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Chapter 15


I felt sick now.I wasn't sure if it was what Daniel had done to me or the fact my best friend betrayed me or even I just broke up with my boyfriend and now this is happening.I woke from my sleep wich felt like I had been asleep for days.As I opened my eyes all I could see was a blur but my vision became clear soon after.Suddenly three men walked in each looking different yet all ugly.Not one was Daniel.I looked down at my lap trying to get up but I realized I was tied to wooden chair.Me being me knew a little much about gangsters and crimes.I have watched one too many crime shows and I love the idea of being a detective when I am older so I do a lot of research.I knew that I had to stay confident and not show the fear that was one hundred percent inside me.I also knew I had to be confident but not cocky.I quickly blurted "So your plan you must have one right?You going to kill me or something?" The man at the right looked at me like I was insane and then spoke. "Oh sunshine why would we do that before we had fun?"I gathered some information just from his answer.Know I knew he was a rapist and the men all had dark hair dark eyes and two were scrawny but the other seemed a tad overweight. "Well you guys seem a little short sighted.I mean I've seen your faces I know you're all rapist and the one working for you his name isn't Daniel is it?" The middle man spoke.I think he is the leader because he looked the most barbaric and powerful and the other two men were behind him. "Well if you must know my name is Jim,Billy is to my right and on my left is Kale.No the other kids name isn't Daniel it is Jake."Wow I thought I got most but here I figure it almost all out. "Well wonderful to meet all of you on a lovely occasion.Anyway onto a little digging I just did in my head.You the middle one,Jim, you are the leader.You two behind him are like his slaves and Jake does the kidnapping.You are all rapist but him.He finds It a little disrespectful and he does truly hope to find love one day.This is probably why I am not the first girl who will be taken into here and taken advantage and then murdered by the bozo on the left."I figure out I wasn't the first girl because there was a blonde and brown piece of long hair on the ground next to my feet.I knew it was the left guy who murdered the girls after because he had a blood stain smeared on his lower stomach.The three men looked at me a little shocked probably think who the hell I was. "You got yourselves into deep shit with me but at least you'll get your fun."I smashe the chair on the ground and got free of the ropes.I saw a quick glimpse of a knife in a guy's back pocket I tackled him.I knew I wasn't going to escape like this but I thought it was best to try to get the knife.I actually got it and when I did I slid it to the back pocket of my jeans.This was almost good in a way because it got my mind off of Noah but at the same time it was so bad.The men sat me back down and tied my up to a new chair.This one was wooden to.Maybe they really wanted me to get out.Before they tied me back up i got the knife under my leg rather than in my pants. "JAKE!!"The middle man yelled.I jumped a little because I wasn't prepared for that at all.He walked in the room. "Son you have brought us a feisty one.Thank you!It may be the best delivery out of the four you brought in recently."All I could think was how recently?How long until I am out of this hell hole?Would I even make it out alive?Should I pretend to team up with them?Should I become a cold blooded killer? I have nothing to be myself for now.The left man said "Can we start now?"Jim looked at him with crazy eyes then back at me. "Yeah she needs to loosen up.You first then Kale then me and as usual when we get the new girl you will finish her off."I was nervous I barely knew what to do.The men left the room leaving me only with Billy.I Slowly untied my wrist cutting free with the knife.I kept my hands behind my back as if they were still tied with the rope.He started inching towards me and then slowly rid his hand up my leg.He began to kneel down and started taking down my pants.I knew I had to wait for the right moment or I would definitely be dead.My adrenaline started pumping as he started to climb over top of me kissing my neck.It felt nothing like the way Noah did it.When he did it I felt alive and this this felt like death.I pulled the knife out and hit him right in the chest.He barely made a sound as he fell to the ground.I tore the knife out of his chest when I knew he was dead.I also grabbed the gun I saw in his back pocket.I took the ropes that were on my wrist and tied them back on just my right hand.I walked out of the room to the other men.I help up the gun and Jimm came to attack me as I rung out a shot and it went straight between his eyebrows.I was astonished by how well I was able to shoot the gun.The other man was still sitting.I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him up.I hit him in the face with the gun and then took his legs out from under him.I tied him to the kitchen table which was nailed in the ground.That's when I saw Daniel or Jake.Whatever his name is.He had a gun pointed at me and I saw his finger getting closer to the trigger and I quickly ducked and shockingly dodged the bullet.Yes I still question how I did it but I did and somehow and some way I did and I am so happy I did.I saw he had to reload and that's when I step to him and hit the gun away from his hand and pulled my gun up to his head. "Cameras?"I thought they would have camera because I mean they are pervs.He looked at me and says "yeah in the back room."I started walking dragging him to follow.I know I should have shot him by now but I couldn't he was once my friend.As I got to the backroom I saw a phone and dialed 911.I said that I was about to be raped and I just found this phone.The officers started asking questions. "I'll leave the phone on for as long as I can track it and hurry.I already killed two men."As I finished saying that Daniel looked at me and said "Talking to yourself."

"Yeah got a problem I looked at the phone and say I had been on the phone for a long enough time and quickly hung up. "You have got to be kidding me.The police?"

"Dan...Jake run get out you were once my friend smack me around a little leave I won't tell anyone.Just get out."

"I will come back and I will kill you.You murdered my only family and you will pay."He threw a punch at my face.I dropped to the floor quickly.He wouldn't stop until he heard the sirens.I couldn't see out of either eye and he cut me with a knife a few time.I was going to die like this.I shouldn't have let him leave.He darted out the back door and I heard a car engine start and then everything went completely black.

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