Old friend

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Chapter 18

Old friend

  As soon as I saw him a started darting the other way . I was so scared he would recognize me.As soon as I darted I realized there was no possible way he would have realized it was me Sam didn't even know.I also wondered what he was doing in New York.He always used to tell me how much he hated it.I slowly walked back towards him. "Sorry for running like that I thought you were someone else.Do you know where this building is?"As I said that I pulled out a tiny picture of where I was staying.As he was analyzing the picture I realized he looked more mature but also sad. "Yeah let me walk you."We started walking and usually when I see a guy I don't know or looked scary I would jump a little but with Noah for some reason I felt safe. "Im Francesca from California." "I'm from New Jersey and I'm Noah nice to meet you.You kinda remind me of an old friend." "How is that?"before he answered I was hoping he wasn't talking about me maybe if he was I could pretend I was her cousin or something. "She was pretty,got lost easily,loved m&ms and I loved her." "Her name?"I watched as it took a moment for him to process. "Alex" he paused. "Alexandra." My heart skipped like five beats hearing him talk about me like that. "Alexandra Smith?" "Yeah.You knew her?" "Cousins,we talked all the time.The night she passed she called me and told me she was happy you didn't call her back she needed the space.She also told me she loved you and she hoped she would run into you in the future." "Well because I didn't call her she's gone.She is never going to come back.I loved her so much I just wish I could have showed more." "All the stories I heard you showed her more than enough.It isn't anyone's fault she is gone." "You know I was going to propose when we got our schedules fixed.I loved her she was the other half of me."My heart skipped again but It was because I was happy.I couldn't help but smile so I looked to the ground to make sure he didn't see. "You two would have made a wonderful couple and beautiful children."We reached my building as he looked at me he asked "can I have your number?" "Yeah sure do you want to come in? I just got a new phone so I haven't memorized the number yet." He nodded and walked behind me as I opened my door. "Nee place huh?" "Yeah I just got here I'm studying to be a detective." "You must be a tough girl."I started laughing as I sat next to him but not to close because I don't want to make him uncomfortable.To be honest though I would do anything just to feel his warm hug or even his touch again.I pulled my phone out and went to hand it to him but it slipped from my hand and fell in the couch cushion. We both went to reach it and our hands met.I missed it.I love him so much.Maybe I can just get him to fall for me again.Later we found ourselves talking about old me, Alexandra.I wanted to tell him so badly that I was me but the last thing I wanted was for him to be in danger. "So are you sure she is gone ,like no funeral.I mean I wasn't invited. Coincidence she broke up with me before?Do you think she just disappeared?" I took a minute to soak every single question he just asked me in.I wasn't sure how to word what I planned on saying. "Noah calm down.She's gone.Although I was miles and miles away she was my best friend and damn do I miss her.I had to identify the body Noah.Her mother was to emotional and I was the next closest thing to her.I had to read the eulogy and I hated saying bye to my best friend close to one of my only. It was the worst experience ever and then random guys started walking in trying to open her casket.It was miserable like they wanted to make sure she was gone.Off this planet.Dam'it I hate people they are so stupid and cruel I just.They make me want to bash my hand into a wall." I began thinking about me for the last minutes my safety my sacred life my disgusting past. Noah picked up on it though. "You stopped talking about her what happened to you?"I began to tear up but I hated crying in front of people it just never was my thing. "It's less important than Ally so there's no point for it."

"You called her Ally too?" I just sat and nodded but he got right back to asking what happened that night Alex,Ally was lost. "You can tell me I have no reason or no one to tell.It will help if you let it all out."

"Well I was nearly raped." I ripped it off like a bandaid.It was the first time I ever said it and I feel as if I fell off a cliff.An elephant came flying off my chest but a whale landed on me and I flooded with tears.I got up without looking at Noahs face because I knew he was going to pity me.I needed a little pitying but I didn't want to believe it.I ran straight to my room and flew onto my bed in hysterics that slowly calmed down. Suddenly Noah's head popped into the doorway and he came and sat right next to me and handed me a glass of water. "Frankie, I want you to tell me everything.No running off to hide in another room.Okay?"I nodded and began. "Well that night I was hanging around some friends.You know a regular night having fun.It turned into a sleepover because my mom let me.We got tired early and my other friends left.It was just my guy friend.I wondered why he didn't leave but well he drugged me and dragged me to some old dump in the woods.I was placed in a room alone and well I want to be a detective so I took a look around and at every man that walked in.Even my friend whose name was actually Jake.One kept saying sunshine and the others were just rude.I wasn't the only girl who had been there.I figured out a way to grab a knife from one of the men and when I did he didn't realize.They tied me up again and one began to..."I stopped and couldn't get my mouth to say anything.Tears grew in my eyes and I looked up at Noah who was so intrigued and so heartbroken by the story.His eyes met mine he wiped away the tears and gave me a look that was like keep going it will only hurt if you dont.So from that look and the tears washed away I plunged right back into the story again. "I stabbed him.Dead right there in front of me.I saw a gun and took it for an advantage.I walked out of the room meeting two men.I yelled how he died in front of me.One saw the gun I guess and came at me and just like that a bullet between his eyes dead in front of me.Another one who was bigger came after me and I beat him close to death.The last one,my friend right there .I held the gun close to his head.I called the cops but for a stupid reason I let him beat me and take off.The end."I was crying by the end and Noah wrapped his arms around me and we both fell asleep.

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