morning after

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Chapter 5

The morning after...

I woke up wondering where the hell I was.I went to sit up but my head was pounding.Noah walked in the room and I quickly blurted out "shit,this me and you nothing happened?"He looked quickly at me almost a stare like no but I wish.he opened his mouth to talk when I realized my mom has no idea where I am.I went to open my mouth again but he caught me before I could rant. "Don't start ranting let me talk.Alright your mom thinks you slept at Casey's and I picked you up from her house to grab breakfast Caseys mom wasn't home last night so you will be fine.Nothing happened between you and I last night.I saw you uncensored.Its was adorable. I changed you into my t-shirt but that's it. I wouldn't have taken advantage of you like that.I will grab you pants from my sister's room." I just shook my head and went to look for his bathroom.I found it and brushed my teeth with my finger.After all my breath smelt like puke.I finally got rid of the puke taste rinsing my mouth over and over.I texted my mom telling her Noah was making me lunch too.Noah walked back in the room and tossed me the pants.I pulled them up and tore his shirt off me because that smelt gross to. "Can I have a different t-shirt please!?!"he nodded his head with his back facing me.He went into his draw and pulled a shirt out and spun to toss it to me but before he threw it he went to his door and shut it and came back to where I was standing.He took the old shirt out of my hand which was covering my bra.He grabbed my wrists and pushed me so my back was on the door.He lowered his mouth to my ear and whispered "I can tell you brushed your teeth." I giggled a little which made him laugh.He pulled his head back but our bodies weren't able to get any closer.He went to pull his face closer to mine but I resisted. "what's wrong?"I didn't answer he asked again I looked him in the eyes "you don't know me and I don't know you.Plus I am supposed to hold my reputation as the bitchy girl in my grade I can't have a boy ruin that reputation for myself in a second when most likely we won't have a future."

" I wanted to be his girlfriend.I could tell he was smiling.I bit my lower lip to this thought and suddenly yet gracefully he leaned in and we shared our first kiss. "I hate going against what you said but it was also no reason for me not to kiss you.Oh and I am a senior I have to withhold my reputation to but you don't see me stopping."

"Noah it's different for guys.You guys fuck a girl celebrate and move on while the girl is slutshamed."Noah just nodded his heads and the spoke "Well I am not that type of guy and I won't do anything you don't wanna do."

"I don't want this Noah.Whatever this is I don't want it.Or I do but not so everyone has to know."

"Well looks like we'll just be really close friends who happen to kiss a lot but only in the privacy of our homes."I just nodded and walked out of is room with not a clue where I was going.

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