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Chapter 4

The party...

I looked at Noah when we got inside and said grab me a drink please! Almost begging him.He left me with Sam and Casey.When we were alone Casey asked and who is he.I turned and said "Noah Hail hahah hot right?" I spun around and he was behind me I looked down and giggled and said "My drink please."He handed me the drink and said "come with me."I followed. He lead me to his friends I chugged my drink before I got to them cuz I didn't want to worry about what I said or if I said the right thing.Noah gave me his drink and left me with his friends so he can grab two more.He came back as my drink was finished again.He handed me the one he had in his hand and I waited a little longer to finish it.Him and I had fun talking and dancing all night he kept handing me drinks and drinks.I finally started stumbling around and he had me go upstairs and lay down on his friend's bed.He looked at me and laughed like he did earlier.I slurred my words and said " this times it isn't funny.I just drank a little too much." He turned and looked at me "Alex you can't g to your friends house like this her mom will tell yours and you will be in trouble. You can stay at my house but tell your mom that you are staying at Casey's and I will pick you up and drop you home.It was 12 now and I had texted my mom saying what noah told me to say. Noah drove Sam and casey home and then brought me to his house.He helped me up the stairs so I did not fall.I was happy. "Noah tour so sweet." I started pulling at his hair. "you know if I actually thought there could be a future I would totally do this.My mom my my dad in highschool.Hes a dick.Oh and hes in jail.Hes such a fucking asswhole I wish he wasnt my fath—" I stopped short and all of a sudden I didn't feel so good and I turned to Noah and blurted out "bathroom".We ran to his bathroom he held my hair back while I was puking.I felt so bad he doesn't even know me that well.Before walking me back to his bedroom I turned and said "This is super nice I can't believe you are doing this for me.You don't even know me too well and you are looking after me like I don't know I guess like your girlfriend.It's just you didn't have to look after me but you did and I'm never drinking that much again."He looked at me extremely happy that I told him that.He pulled me up and as we were walking back to his room he said "If you didn't just puke your guts up I might have kissed you by now."

"I probably would have gone along with it.I think I might like you.No promises though."

"Haha you're drunk you won't remember this tomorrow let's get u to bed."He had a smile on his face but behind that you can tell he was hurting.I think he felt bad about my dad because he was looking like the since then.With that he picked me up and laid me on his bed very carefully.He kissed me on the cheek and said "?I'm starting to really like you Alex."

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