Friday alone

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Chapter 11

Alone on a Friday

Noah stayed after my mom left.I hated being home alone and usually I would call Sam but now I have Noah.I started to clean the dishes while Noah put everything into the fridge and we walked up to my room."Noah?"


"Did you hear what I said to my mom?"

"Yea."He started to smile "Did you mean it?"I quickly threw a pillow over my face refusing to let go.I was uncontrollable blushing and embarrassed. "You okay?"I refused to speak because I knew I would talk with spaces in between each sentence not being able to breath. "Take the pillow off your face.I wanna see your beautiful face."Know I was blushing even more and my face was getting hot.I couldn't breathe under the pillow so I lifted it so only my mouth was out. "A Little more."

"Nope.Not happening."I started stuttering.I felt him get off my bed. "Goodnight Alex."I quickly threw the pillow off my face. "Where do you think your going?"He came over on top of me throwing the pillows to the ground so I couldn't cover my face.I went to pull my hands to my face but he pinned them to my bed.I started blushing uncontrollably. "Seriously,did you mean it?" I couldn't stop I tried but I couldnt.My heart was racing I couldn't breathe and I was probably bright red. "Fine give me a sign like punched me if you didn't mean and it and uhhh..."While he was distracted thinking of a sign for me to show I meant it I broke my hands free and kissed him then I pulled back and punched him as hard as I could in the arm. "Ow!God Alex that hurt."I built up my confidence and said "The kiss was because I meant it and the punch was for you pinning me."

"Alex the really fucking hurt."

"Baby.I can't punch that hard."

"Your annoying sometimes."

"Excuse me!"I said laughing but trying to hold it in.I couldn't move from under him. "Hey um Noah.I cant get up."He laughed at me harder then he has ever laughed. "Alex.No shit you can't get up."He was still laughing and it was bothering me. "Get off of me I wanna get up."I couldn't help but sound helpless and annoyed.He leaned down really close to my face and brushed his lips against mine.He was teasing me and it was getting me more annoyed.I slowly brushed my foot up and down his leg.He leaned back down and this time right to my collarbone giving me a hickey.I pulled his head up from my neck and I pulled it right to my face.I kissed him gently and it turned more passionate. Suddenly I hear someone knocking at my door screaming for help.I threw Noah off me and sprinted to my door it was sam.

"Sam what the hell whats wrong."I saw her hand was red and bloody. "What did you do Sam."

"Hhhhe....your dad.W-was at m-my house."She stopped and I couldn't think straight. "What happened Sam?" Noah came running downstairs and I took sam to my kitchen I was careful not to touch the knife she had in her hand.Noah looked at me and the only thing I could say was "we are going to your house sam we have to."

"No.I killed him.I killed your father.He was going to kill Jeremy."

"Jeremy?"Noah questioned. "It her little brother he's ten."

"Sam if we don't go back they are going to find you and put you in jail.If you turn yourself in and tell why you did it they will say it was self defence."Sam just nodded.I sat in the back of Noah's car with her and Noah drove.I texted my mom to get to sams ASAP.I was terrified yet in a way happy that he couldn't hurt anyone.We got to her house the police weren't there yet. "Sam call the police and tell them you have murdered someone and you are at your house.Add that he was going to hurt your little brother.Is your mom or dad home?"

"No..."I was in shock terrified of what was going to happen.I heard sirens and saw lights flashing.Sam was sitting in the corner of the kitchen staring at my father then the knife she refused to let go of.I went and found Jeremy sitting on the edge of his bed crying.I met the mark on his neck from the knife.It brought back memories of my mom and my dad.I ran outside to the police and said "Sam is my best friend her brother is inside he has a cut on his throat help him.My father is the one who was murdered.He is a bad man and has a criminal record."

"Why did he not come to you?"

"He did I just shouted at him to get out of my house."One of the police men went inside and brought Jeremy out and treated him.The police took Sam,Noah,Jeremy and I to the police station to ask questions.Jeremy came with me because he was too young to be questioned and he couldn't be with his sister.Jeremy and I walked into one of the questioning rooms where a police was sitting.Before he said anything I quickly blurted out "The last time I was at her house her partner were talking about video cameras."

"Alright I still have a few questions I need to ask but I will go get the tapes from Samantha's house."

"Okay thank you sir."He left the room and Jeremy seemed tired so I let him fall asleep on my lap.By the time he came back it was very late and he let us go home.Sam was let go because they stated it was self defence.I called Noah into the room because I didn't want to wake Jeremy.I had Noah carry him to the car.Noah,Sam and Jeremy ended up coming back to my house.Soon after we got home Sam was asleep next to Jeremey.I was happy.It was the first time in a long time I was truly happy.My father can't hurt us,my mom is amazing,and I have the best boyfriend and bestfriend ever.

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