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Chapter 14


Noah being gone definitely made things harder.I haven't been alone for three years but it gave me a chance to get closer with Sam.Although I was so tied in with Noah I didn't realize Sam made a new friend.His name was Daniel and he was new to our school.Sam ,Daniel and I became so close.Everyone wanted to have us as their friends and somehow we became the most popular people in the school.I really didn't like it.I was never popular.Not freshman sophomore or junior year.I felt so odd I wasn't supposed to be the popular one yet I was.As my senior year ended I was accepted to a college in New York for detective and homicide. but Noah and I drifted we tried to call each other every night but that soon came to week and then sometimes we would go a month not talking.I finally grew the courage and called him late one night. "Hello."He said it with a raspy voice.I could tell he was just about to go to bed. "Hey,I hope I didn't wake you I just wanted to tell you something."I had a nervous tone in my voice. "Whats wrong?"

"Noah.I....This isn't working.Sometimes we don't talk for months.I have to stay focused on school to.I hate to use the card but it isn't that I don't like you anymore it's truly that we never talk and you deserve the college experience.I might have loved you I am not sure but what I know is that I am holding you back.I also hate doing this over the phone.I am sorry."I started getting sad immediately after I said it.Part of me regretted it but the other part told me I was right. "Alex.I Think I love you. I love that you care so deeply.I hate that you feel that way.I just wish I could call you more with our busy schedules.I want to keep you.I don't want to lose you I mean it.Please don't do this."I heard his voice change at the end he was starting to grow sad.I knew what I was doing and I couldn't bare here his heart break into little pieces any longer.I needed to focus less on him and more on me. "Noah you said you think you love me.I need more than that and I don't want to do this as much as you don't want me to but it is for the best.If we are meant to be we will find each other again." "Why are you doing it if you don't want to?"I couldn't listen to him anymore tear were rolling down my eyes and I started to feel sick. "Because I know it's right."I hung up the phone so he didn't hear me start crying.I couldn't believe I just did that.I spent an hour crying and then I texted Sam and Daniel to come over because it was emergent.They came soon after the text and saw me rolled up in a ball on my bed.I started crying again. "Babes what's wrong?"Sam quickly said climbing in bed with me.Daniel followed right after. "I called him.I-I b-broke his heart."I started balling even harder I never knew it was possible. "I broke my heart too."I crawled up deeper in my covers.Sam wrapped her arms around me and kept saying "Everything will get better."I suddenly felt daniels hand climb up my thigh.He was always weird in that way.He always looked at me funny and gave me weird look Noah used to give me.He touched me in places that a friend usually wouldn't touch.I didn't care at this moment I was to sad to think about it.Suddenly Sams phone rang and her mom told her she had to come home.I was heartbroken and she had to leave it was so hard to let him go.Daniel stayed so I wasn't left home alone.He soon got up and left the room.I was so tired I didn't even think to ask where he was going.Soon after he came back and kissed me on the forehead and whispered into my ear "Everything is going to be just fine.Wait and see!".Before I knew it I felt a pitch in my neck and quickly passed out.

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