Hey bitchachos

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So I know it's been seventy three years since I wrote this this and yes hello, hi I'm not dead.

Though I've been really unwell for a while, like regular hospital visits unwell but you don't need to know about that.

But anyway the point of this is that, if anyone even wants it still, I want to try writing a sequel.

This fic is, more than anything, really just a funny train wreck but it was very fun and easy to write and I was happy  while making it.

I'm not gonna lie, I've been very upset with myself and situation for quite a while now to the point where I'm regularly seeing someone about it and I know that this will help me, I don't need professionals to tell me what'll cheer me up. Honestly it's you guys that really made me want to write another, I love that you all enjoyed this one.

Sorry sorry I'm making this depressing but the point is as I said I want to write another fic - the sequel to Uh... France?

Only though, if people still want one. So if you'd like a sequel tell me in the comments. I think it will be more serious than this one has been, we can all agree this fic was on crack. But it will still of course be like Uh... France? where it needs to be hahaha

Oh also if you want a sequel please help me out with a title!!

Uh...France?{Jeffmads}Where stories live. Discover now