Sorry its 3am

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It had been a week, Thomas and James were about to leave. They put their bags into the back of the car and did a quick check of the motel room to make sure nothing was left behind.

"We got everything?" Thomas asked, his eyes scanning the room. James nodded after a moment.

"I think so." He said, heading out to the car while Thomas returned the key to the check in office. James was already skipping through radio stations when Thomas got into the car. "What do you want to listen to?"

Thomas shrugged, "You decide."

"But I can't." Stated James, well, more so complained. "That's why I asked you." Thomas chuckled and turned the radio off all together.

"Problem solved," he said. James rolled his eyes and reclined his chair, putting is feet up on the dash and closing his eyes. Thomas would be mad at anyone for putting their feet on the dashboard but with James doing it he didn't even feel a little bit angry about it. He shook his head, sighing contently.

James dozed off so Thomas drove  a little slower,  AVOIDING THE HOLES SO JAMES SLEEPS FINe. When he stopped for petrol he took a few pictures. James woke up after Thomas had left to pay and panicked for a second whe he couldn't find him.

"You're awake," Thomas noted when he returned to the car.

"Where did you just go?"

Thomas waved his receipt in front of James' face. "To pay. I didn't want to wake you."

"Aw." James yawned, rubbing his tired eyes. He sat up and stretched as Thomas got into the car. "I'm hungry."

"Hi hungry, I'm Thomas."

James unbuckled his SEATbelt and stepped out of the car. Thomas laughed. A lot.
James started walking away so Thomas calmed enough to get out of the car and run after him.

"James, I'm sorry!" He called after him. "Jemmy, please come back to the car. I love you."

James stopped and turned around, arms crossed and brow raised.

"If you come back to the car I won't make anymore jokes," Thomas bargained. "I promise."

Sighing, James nodded shortly and returned to the car, ignoring Thomas as he passed.
"I would like something to eat," he rephrased his earlier statement.

"Okay." Thomas started the car. "We'll get some food."
They continued on their way for about five minuets until coming past a rest stop with a few little cheap restaurants.

They wandered into one and ordered food, taking it back to the car when it arrived.

"How much longer you reckon?" Well that was Australian. James asked with a mouthful of chips.

"Few more hours and we should be home." Thomas told him, sipping his drink of some gross softdrink(i dont like softdrink).

"I miss everyone," said James. "I can't wait to see them."

"It's been a week," Thomas chuckled.

"That doesn't matter." James argued, throwing a chip at Thomas. "I'd be missing you if it was even a few days."

"Aw, really?" Thomas smiled. "I love you, Jemmy James."

"I love you too, Magenta Macaroni Fucker."(ayyye)
Thomas laughed at his nickname so much he choked on his food.

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