I want someone to go on a road trip with me

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After six hours of too loud music, three maccas stops and a couple of bathroom breaks, the boys found themselves in Pennsylvania(you don't understand how hard that is to spell right as an Australian). They checked into a motel and slept for a few hours.

"Thomassssss!" James whined, shaking Thomas awake. Thomas groaned and covered his head the covers, James sighed and dropped on top of him. "Get up! I'm hungry and we didn't bring food."

Thomas made a weird noise, James pulled away the covers and kissed Thomas' cheek. "I'm up." Thomas sat up straight away and jumped out the bed. James laughed but rolled his eyes.

"We have to buy food," he said to Thomas, who threw the covers about looking for his other shoe.

"Just help me find my shoe... And we can go."

James chuckled and started looking. He got onto the ground and looked under the bed where he found the shoe. How it got there was unknown to him but he tossed it to Thomas and they headed out to the closest store.

"What should we get?" Thomas asked, pushing the trolley with James in it.

"I don't care." Shrugged James, "I just want food." Thomas nodded as they entered another isle.

"Do we want to cook or have microwave meals?"

James looked up from his phone which I didn't mention he was on before, and noticed Thomas had stopped in an isle. "Microwave?" He suggested, too tired and hungry to do anything productive.

"Microwave." Thomas nodded and they proceeded to argue over which ones to buy. When they finally decided, Thomas dumped them on James in the trolley then they headed to the check out.

"What an adorable baby." The cashier joked when she saw James in the trolley. He passed the packets up to her one at a time and it took a while but he wasn't happy about what he said so he was glad he was wasting her time.

Thomas paid and they headed back to the motel with James still in the trolley (they didn't drive) and when they got there he refused to get out.

"I'm a baby, I need to be carried." He joked and Thomas rolled his eyes. He took the bags inside quickly and returned for James, picking him up bridal style and carrying him inside. He wandered over to the bed, James' cheeks went red then Thomas dropped him and prepared one of the microwave meals.

"Dinner is served." Thomas said when it was done, taking it over to James where he still laid on the bed after being dropped.

"Well, aren't you romantic." James mumbled as accepted the plate. Thomas cooked one for himself, turned on the small tv and joined James on the bed.

That was how their first night of running away went. Cuddling in a bed with itchy sheets eating crappy microwave meals and watching cheesy commercials.

"I love you," James mumbled at some point.

Thomas kissed his forehead. "I love you too," he said back. James snuggled closer and kissed Thomas gently.

"I love you more."

Thomas took their plates and put them on the bedside cabinet, he pulled James into his lap and grabbed his collar, connecting their lips in a long kiss. "I love you more."

James cheeks went ruby red and he buried his face in Thomas' chest. "You're adorable," Thomas told him, carding his fingers through his short hair. James whined but didn't actually say anything, Thomas just pulled him closer and sighed happily.

They soon fell asleep.

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