Seriously James Get Some Help

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twelve (?)

James and Thomas spent the rest of the day bundled up in blankets on the couch, binging whatever shows they found of Netflix, James forced Thomas to watch Shingeki No Kyojin with subtitles.
James had managed to keep down his food so far but still only ate a little.
Thomas tried not to show his worry so much, remembering how James hated being treated like he couldn't take care of himself.

"Feeling any better?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the screen to read the subtitles.

"No." James coughed but tried o stifle it, Thomas sighed and returned his attention solely to the TV. He'd never been much of an anime fan (otaku, Thomas, an otaku) but James really enjoyed it so he didn't object

"Want anymore medicine?"

"No." James answered the same way.

"It's late."

"You can go-"

"No, I want to stay here." Thomas suddenly felt a little embarrassed with how quickly he disagreed but James only yawned and shifted so he was laying.
Thomas smiled a little.

(When you haven't even written a quarter of the chapter but its already shit.)

(Let's time skip)

James stirred for a long while before actually waking up. His stomach had been in knots most of the day and he felt like throwing up now.
Next to him, Thomas was asleep.
The light of the TV lit up his features and James couldn't help but stare.
After a moment he forced his eyes away and untangled himself from the layers of blankets.
Upon standing, he fell back due to a sudden dizzy spell and worried that he'd woken Thomas.

Fortunately, Thomas was still asleep. He sighed in relief and stood again, heading for the bathroom.
Shielding his eyes from the light, he splashed water in his face and studied his reflection.
He had paled and had dark circles under his eyes, much like Storm when she stays up for legit no reason.

"You look like shit." He said to his reflection and felt a wave of nausea.
A moment later, he was on his knees in front of the toilet, upchucking everything in his stomach.
He felt a hand on his back and flinched.

"Its just me." He heard Thomas say and calmed down a bit. Thomas rubbed soothing circles on James's back and whispered words of comfort to him while he threw up.
Ten or so minuets later, James had emptied his stomach and was not feeling even remotely close to better. Thomas helped him wash up a bit and find fresh clothes. James couldn't help but go red when he changed his shirt with Thomas in the room, no homo though, James is just self conscious.

"How about some Panadol now?" Thomas chuckled and this time James agreed but he wasn't sure he'd be able to keep it down.

Thomas, being a good friend and totally not James's love interest, pouted James some water and got him a few tablets while he boiled the kettle.

"I can do it, go rest." He said but James shook his head.
"James," Thomas grabbed James's wrists to stop him from doing anything else and dragged him back to the couch.

James sighed and nodded in defeat. Thomas set the pills and glass down on the coffee table and headed back for the kitchen where James had begun making tea.
He finished and brought the two mugs back to the lounge room where James was now curled up on the couch.
Thomas noticed he'd already taken the tablets.

"What time is it?" (SHOWTIME!)
James asked with a raspy voice, Thomas checked his phone and frowned.
When James had dozed off last night it was 12 am, it was only 12:30 now.

"Half past twelve." Thomas sighed as he put his phone back into his pocket and handed one of the mugs to James after he sat up.
"I forgot how much you got sick."

Thomas was expecting something in return for the statement, but it wasn't laughter.
"I couldn't go a week with out even a sore throat, how could you forget?"

"I don't know!" Thomas threw his arms up in a dramatic gesture.
"It's been five years."

"I know..." James trailed off sadly and Thomas sighed inwardly.

"You should try again to get some sleep." He advised and helped James to his room, despite the protests. He tucked James in as well, as if he were a child.

"Thomas..." James reached out for Thomas's sleeve as he began to turn away.

"Yes, James?"

James sighed. He didn't know how the suggestion came to his head but he figured he could blame his actions on the fever.
"Stay with me?"
He tugged on his friend's sleeve, pulling him down to the spot beside him on the bed.
Thomas didn't want to say no but something told him to, though either way he didn't (God Tjeffs, you're so complicated).

"Okay." He agreed quietly and laid next to James, not under the covers with him though because that's gay. James yawned and Thomas smiled at the peaceful silence that followed.
Some time later when Thomas was sure James had nodded off, he decided the need for warmth was stronger then the need to remain completely heterosexual and slipped under the covers with James.
With the faint light from the window, Thomas could see the rise and fall of James's chest and fell asleep to the balanced melody of his breathing.
(Poetic shit)

Thomas was relived to find that when he woke, James was still asleep and not spilling his guts in the bathroom again. At some point during his unconscious state, he'd pulled James closer.
A blush spread across Thomas's cheeks, nothing unmanly about blushing.
He crept out of the bed as quietly as he could so he wouldn't wake James, God knows he needed the extra rest. Thomas lingered in the room for a moment, watching over James to make sure he was alright before leaving to the kitchen.
He found a tray after some time of quietly searching and boiled the kettle.
He also poured a glass of water and readied James's medicine, putting both onto the tray with the soon made coffee.
Thomas doubted that James would be able to keep down what ever food he thought of giving him but knew that he needed food in his system to have his medicine.
He didn't know how long James would be in ailing health but he was going to help him get better.

My hayfever is playing up and my grandad just got back from the hospital, he has kidney stones.
I'm trying to not leave big gaps when I publish but I'm going through some stuff right now. Please be patient, I dont want to ave to put this story on hold.

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