oh shish kebab

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Charles had fallen asleep on James' couch and woke to James shaking him gently.

"What?" He mumbled tiredly, sitting up. James handed Charles his phone.

"Aaron's been trying to call you," he said. "And now he's calling me."

Charles sighed and looked at his phone, seeing multiple messages from Aaron. They were all along the lines of 'I'm really sorry' and 'please talk to me'. He shook his head and threw his phone down on the couch as James' started ringing. He looked at the ID caller then to Charles as if asking for permission to answer. 

"Put it on speaker," he said quietly, James nodded and answered.

"Aaron," he said.

"James! Do you know where Charles is?" Aaron asked quickly. James looked at Charles, who nodded shortly.


"Can I talk to him? Please?"

Charles shook his head quickly, James sighed. "He's asleep."

"Oh..." Aaron sighed. "Did... Did he tell you what happened?"

"Yes, he did."

Aaron paused for a moment. "When he's awake can you tell him I need to talk to him?"

James glanced quickly at Charles, tears stung his eyes and he covered his mouth with his hand to stay quiet and not cry. "Aaron, you're my friend, but on behalf of Charles; you're a fucking dick."

"I know. Can you tell him I'm sorry?"

Charles gestured for the phone, tears slipping down his cheeks. James handed it to him quickly. "Fuck you." He said before hanging up. James pulled Charles in for a hug, silence fell over them for a while.

"I'm not letting you stay cooped up inside all day." James told Charles. "Let's go somewhere, you need to get out."

Charles dried his eyes and nodded. "Okay," he muttered and took James' hand when it was offered. James pulled him up from the couch and ran to his room to grab them both a coat. "Thanks."

The two headed out of the complex and began walking toward the café Sally worked in. Charles kept his head down and his hands in his pockets, staying quiet for most of the walk.

"I don't know why I thought it could work out," he said finally, his voice not to much above a whisper. He laughed mirthlessly and shook his head. "I'm such an idiot."

"No, you're not." James stopped, pulling Charles into a hug. They had reached the café and neither had noticed Thomas sitting inside with Peggy and Maria.

"Hey!" He called as he came storming out of the café, Peggy and Maria running after him. He pushed them apart angrily and shoved Charles down, throwing punches at him.

"Thomas!" James cried, trying to pull him off of Charles. "What the hell!"  He shoved him off pushed him away. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Peggy and Maria helped Charles up, dusting him off and helping him stay upright. Peggy mumbled something to Maria and they helped Charles into the café.

"How long?" Thomas asked. James was completely confused.

"How long what?"

"How long have you been cheating on me?" Thomas crossed his arms over his chest. James was still so confused. "I saw you together; you and Charles."

James realized what he meant then. "Charles and I aren't together and I'm not cheating on you!"

"Then why did you kiss him?!" 

"He kissed me, Thomas." James sighed heavily. "He came to me last night upset because of Aaron and he wasn't thinking straight. It meant nothing to either of us."

Thomas looked past James back into the café where the girls sat with Charles. He was crying and holding a tissue to his nose and lip. "Seriously?"

"Yes, Thomas." James ran a hand through his hair. "I think you should apologize to Charles."

"Fuck." Thomas muttered before running into the café.

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