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The morning after the party, James and Thomas both had terrible headaches but a lot of lollies so it was totally worth it. Even after showering twice, James just couldn't get all of the paint out of his hair line or from under his eyes. Thomas had to bite his tongue as to not point it out.

"You looked really cute last night," he commented as he cuddled James, both of them sucking on lollipop. The tv was on but neither of them paid attention.

James chuckled a little. "You looked way better."

"Nah." Said Thomas, shaking his head and biting down on his lollipop because I imagine him as one of those people. "Trust me, you looked much better. You were drop dead gorgeous."

James rolled his eyes and let out an exaggerated groan. He dressed as Jack Skellington if you don't remember. Thomas laughed proudly at himself.

"Where did Charles go last night?" He asked after he stopped laughing. James shrugged.

"Home?" He suggested. Thomas nodded, sighing.

"I love you," he said blankly as if he were simply searching for words to break the silence.

James smiled. "I love you too."
Silence thwn followed for a while, both of the boys ignoring their headaches and dumping their lollie wrappers on the ground. Thomas frowned when he remembered that he'd have to clean them up.

"Let's run away together." He chimed suddenly. James chuckled and shook his head.

"Yeah. Sure."

"No," Thomas sat up. "I mean it. Let's run away- just for a little bit."

James starred at his boy friend for a moment.

"It'll be like a little holiday- the two of us." Thomas continued. James considered it for a moment and realized the idea didn't sound all that bad.


Thomas was surprised. "Legit? You actually want to go?"

"Yeah." James nodded. "When?"


James shook his head. "Okay- I kind of thought maybe starting tomorrow or something. Ya know, we both have jobs."

Standing, Thomas pulled his boyfriend to his feet. "No. We are going now- let me pack and then we'll go to yours so you can pack."

Thomas was in his room in seconds, stuffing some clothes into a small duffel. James followed and stopped in the doorway.

"Where are we gonna go?"

"We'll figure it out-" Thomas didn't look to him . "That's the point of running away."

"Uh, no." James shook his head. "Well- how long will we be gone?"

Thomas finished packing his clothes and moved onto other things like his phone charger and toothbrush that kind of stuff.

"I don't know- a week."

Finally Thomas finished and they were on their way to James' apartment so he could pack. While he did, Thomas texted their friends to tell them not to worry that they've suddenly disappeared and they calling the police is not in order if they don't answer texts and calls. He then called in his boss and he was completely cool with him taking time off.

"You gonna call in sick for work or something?" Thomas asked as he handed James his phone. He shrugged,

"I'll ask for some time off."

Da da da James calls in and Daddy Gwash lets him have like a week off or smth I'm sorry I cant write anything good right now.

Seriously tho to go all these years saying how much i love his work and to have him say he loves mine even if its just a drawing im omfgdhja im in cardiac arrest

Edit- youll understand if you follow my insta

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