This is a filler.

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James eyed the water below him nervously.

"You can do it!" Shouted Aaron from the water.
James stood on the other side of the creek, the tree house staring back at him. This side was risen, a sort of hill, from one of the tallest trees hung a rope swing.

"C'mon James!" Thomas encouraged him from in the creek with Aaron.
James took a long breath and gripped the thick rope tighter.
He took a few steps back, then ran forward and jumped.
His breath hitched when he no longer felt the ground below him, he saw Aaron and Thomas cheering below him.
As much as it scared him, he let go.
He fell into the water, the rope swung a little more before stopping.
James shot up from the water and sucked in a long, unsteady breath. He looked back up at the hill, at the rope lightly swaying and laughed.
Not an amused laugh, more that he couldn't believe what he'd just done.

"I did it!" He praised himself, throwing his arms up.

aron and Thomas applauded him jokingly, he splashed water at them.

"Not my hair!" Thomas joked, covering it.
Aaron and James both laughed, Aaron jumped on him and forced him under the water, wetting his hair of course.

"You have betrayed my trust." He scolded when he rose from the water, his hair dripping and sticking to his face.
The scene only caused the other two boys to laugh more, eventually making Thomas smile too.


Thomas aggressively set down his controller, James chuckled.

"You said you weren't good at video games!" Thomas accused and James shrugged.

"I'm not, I'm just good at this." James gestured to the tv screen, he'd won Mario Kart 5 consecutive games in a row.
Thomas rolled his eyes and turned to Aaron, who was sprawled out on the bed.

"Did you ask her out yet?" He asked, Aaron sat up, a little confused.
"Theodosia." Thomas teased.
James placed his controller down and joined the conversation.

"Are you dating yet?" He asked, Aaron blushed and turned away.

"No." He mumbled and remained silent for a moment before turning to Thomas.

"What about you and Sally?" He asked.

Thomas, a good poker face, shrugged.
"What about us?"

"Actually gone on a date yet?"

"We're not dating." Thomas said a little nervously. Aaron rolled his eyes.

"You are, Theo told me." He argued and Thomas turned away, returning to James's side on the bean bags and picking up his controller.

"So what if we are?"

"Oooh, Tommy has a girlfriend!" James laughed and Thomas went red as Aaron joined in on cooing over it.

"Yeah, so what? I have a girlfriend, I'm likable." Thomas said with fake anger and a little pride.

"I'm better at Mario Kart." James said, still laughing as he too grabbed his controller and the two started a new race.

Aaron sighed and watched, already knowing James would win again then it was his turn to play against him. Humiliation surely on its way.

Soon enough, Thomas was shoving a laughing James away from him.

"I win, again." He said, pride in his tone. "You should have expected it."

Fuck it, I have no ideas I'm ending on this.

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