Poor Jemmy James

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What number is this one?

James heard his alarm go off in his room but he made no effort to turn it off.
Since five am he'd been struggling with a bad headache, sudden dizzy spells and hugging the toilet, throwing up all that he'd eaten the day before.
These random sick days were not an uncommon occurrence and sometimes the fever lasted as long as a week or two.
He groaned and after throwing up one more time, he cleaned himself up and headed to his room to turn off his alarm and gather things for a shower.
Standing upright was a bit of a struggle and he mostly leaned against the shower wall and let the water just rinse over him, it soothed his head ache a little (anybody else find that hot showers do actually help or just me).
After his shower, he dried off but just laid wrapped in his towel on his bed, he procrastinated calling in sick but eventually did so.
The raspy voice and coughing helped to convince his boss, not that he didn't believe him.
Upon hanging up he revived a message from Thomas.

"Morning hru?" It said, James sighed and texted him back.

"I'm sick."

"I'm coming over." Was the reply that came a minuet later. James didn't bother objecting because he knew Thomas was too stubborn for that and set his phone down, reluctantly finding some clothes.

In the end he was dressed in a large sweater and trackys and lied curled in a blanket on his couch.
Soon enough he heard a knock and new it'd be Thomas.

"You alive in there, James?" Came Thomas's voice, James rolled over and gave a tired groan as his reply.
The door swung open and in came Thomas, the bang of the door hitting the wall only added to James's head ache.

"Aw, poor Jemmy James." Thomas cooed as he knelt by the couch, James tried to avoid coughing on him.

"Come to play nursemaid, again?" James asked with a smirk as he pushed back the nostalgia creeping in.

"Well of course." Thomas stood up and turned, James now noticed a bag slung over his shoulder. He sat up and and watched as Thomas rummaged through the bag.

"What's that?" He asked, Thomas smiled as he pulled out a thick, leather bound book and handed it to James so he could read the title.
When ever he was sick as a kid, Thomas would read to him.
James grinned and glanced back at Thomas to find him smiling hopefully and waiting expectantly.

"Now, I didn't have any soup," Thomas started and turned back to the bag. (I have soup when I'm sick shuddup)
"But, I have this!" He showed Thomas a box of Mac and Cheese, one they'd bought yesterday.

"Oh Thomas, what would I do with out you?" James rolled his eyes and Thomas chuckled and left for the kitchen.

Just like old times, James curled up in his fortress of blankets whilst Thomas read to him.

Eventually James dozed off happily but he was so quiet throughout Thomas's reading, Thomas didn't realize he'd fallen asleep.
A few chapters later, Thomas glanced up at him, now seeing he was no longer awake.
He folded the corner of the page(James will be mad later) and set it down.

rying to be as quiet as possible, he took James's empty Mac and Cheese bowl to the kitchen to wash it then rejoined his sleeping friend.

Thomas didn't know what brought the idea to his head, but gently he picked up James and carried him to his bed.
James stirred in his arms but didn't wake, thankfully.
Thomas smiled at the sleeping bundle of blankets and bad fever in his arms as he laid James down on the bed.


James woke some time later, confused as to why he was now in bed. He sat up slowly, his head still heavy and his stomach in knots. He was still tangled in blankets and now buried in pillows.

He stumbled out of bed, ignoring the dizzy spell as he hobbled to the door and to the lounge room.
Thomas was sprawled out on the couch with a blanket quite lazily over him, his hair a wild mess.
James smiled and tiptoed past him to the kitchen.

"Coffee, Thomas?" He asked jokingly as he filled the kettle and set out two cups.
He wasn't sure when his friend would wake but he could always reheat the cup.
He waited the kettle to boil, probably close to the same way the readers of this story are waiting for Storm to stop writing bullshit chapters.

"When did you wake up?" He heard behind him, startling him. Thomas chuckled as James jumped, he came up behind him and rested his chin atop his head, taking advantage of his height.

"Not very long ago." James hummed and poured water into the cup.

"Didn't know we were doing nick names, Jemmy boy." Thomas smirked and snaked his arms around James to grab his cup.
James shivered and his cheeks flushed red.

Thomas sipped from his cup and sat on the counter. James sighed and sipped his coffee whilst still having his back to Thomas.

I am so sorry.
I know these chapters aren't All that exciting and you're probably sick of it, but I enjoy writing this and I don't want to rush through it.
Please, I promise just a few more platonic chapters then things will come into play.
I havnt been feeling well recently and I've been substituting sleep for energy drinks and now I'm regretting it a shit ton.
I'm sorry I'm ranting I'll go now.

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