I survived the first week back at school

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Thomas talked to Charles in the lounge room while James made them all tea. He'd called and invited Thomas over shortly after Charles arrived to help him figure out how to handle the situation. James and Charles both seemed unaware of how good Thomas actually was with handling difficult situations compared to them and probably all if not most of the readers. 

James made the tea and realized he couldn't carry three mugs at once, "Thomas!"

"What?" Thomas called back, when he didn't receive an answer he excused himself from Charles and went into the kitchen. "What?" He asked again.

"I can't carry them all," James said as he took two of the mugs and left the kitchen, leaving one still on the counter for Thomas to bring in. He rolled his eyes and took the mug, joining James and Charles in the lounge room once again.

"But I really think I like him," he heard Charles saying as he entered.

"You should tell him." Thomas sat down and placed the mug down. "You shouldn't keep it bottled up if it's that much of a bother to you."

James choked on tea trying not to laugh, Thomas ignored him.

"What if he hates me after?" Charles asked, ignoring James also. "I don't want to ruin our friendship."

"You won't," Thomas assured him. "You don't know Aaron like I do, it'll be okay."

"But he has a girlfriend," Charles argued. "He might not hate me but it will still be weird, for both of us."

James and Thomas both sighed, it was true. Even if Aaron accepts the fact that Charles likes him, it will always just be out there.

"I don't know what to do." James said finally, finishing his tea and not choking this time.

"Yeah, this is harder to figure out than I thought," Thomas agreed. Charles rolled his eyes and sighed, taking a very small sip of his now cold, untouched tea.

After a while more Charles decided that he was in fact going to tell Aaron about his feelings.


When Charles had finally worked up the courage, he called Aaron and offered his company. In other words he asked him if he wanted to hang out. Mind you this wasn't the same day, he's not that confident. But now he and Aaron were taking a very heterosexual not romantic walk to god knows where, I just wanted to make it kinda cliché.

"You okay?" Aaron asked at one point during their walk. "You seem like something's bothering you?"

Charles shrugged. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine..."

Aaron, chuckling a little, stopped and shook his head. "No, something's up. I can tell." Charles took a deep breath. This was it, he had to tell Aaron now because he knew he wouldn't be able to find the confidence a second time.

"I have to tell you something," he said cautiously, unsure of how to go about it. Aaron, sensing the importance of it all, eyed the area quickly and spotted an old wooden park bench. Leading Charles to it, they sat down and Aaron nodded for him to continue. "Well... um..."

Aaron, a slight, amused smile on his face, waited patiently for Charles to get on with what he needed to say. "Take your time," he said kindly. Charles wanted to just yell at his for being so damn nice.

"IthinkIlikeyou," Charles blurted out so fast it morphed into one confusing noise, he just wanted to get it over and done with.


Taking a long, unsteady breath, Charles tried to calm his nerves to say it again, only clearly this time. "I think I like you."

Aaron was surprised, as was Charles. He actually told Aaron; he'd worked up the courage to admit it.

"I'm sorry, I know it's weird because you're with Theo and we haven't known each other all that long." Continued Charles in a haste. Aaron, having not had the chance to respond verbally, remained silent as he slowly leant toward Charles and gently connected their lips in a kiss. For a moment Charles was quite surprised and Aaron wasn't exactly sure of what he was doing.  At the same moment they both pulled away but neither of them said anything to start with.

"I don't know why I did that," Aaron admitted finally, his cheeks a light pink shade. Charles, on the other hand, was burning bright red.

"You kissed me," he said, stunned. Aaron nodded and laughed nervously.

"I did." Said Aaron. Somehow their hands had found each other and they fit like puzzle pieces, the two slowly leaned close again and when they were just centimetres apart, Charles flinched away.

"Theodosia." He said, reminding Aaron that he was in a relationship. A look of almost sad realisation crossed Aaron's face and he moved back slowly.

"Sorry," he apologised, keeping his gaze anywhere but meeting with Charles'. "I think I should go."

Charles simply nodded and watched Aaron walk away.



"but Deanie this is a Jeffmads book, why is there Leeburr?"

APBAPBAP SHHHHHhhh. I know this is Jeffmads but hey this is for the plot okay! Holy smokes, I am a slut for gay ships. (and girls lesbehonest)

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