Fuck Help Me School Is Starting Again

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This chapter isn't so fluffy and yeah.

James woke feeling like he was going to throw up. He was on the ground, his back against the couch and his head on Thomas's shoulder. It was still dark.

The light from the kitchen was still on and using it he could see the silhouette of Peggy and Maria were snuggled on the ground.
Groaning, he struggled to his feet and wandered down the hall to where he knew the bathroom was, he used the wall as support.
He felt a little better upon reaching the bathroom and figured it was just because he'd finally moved and got his blood running again.

The bathroom door was slightly ajar and the light glowed from within. When James pushed open the door he found Charles on his knees in front of the toilet and vomiting.

"Oh," Was all James voiced and Charles looked up. He wiped his mouth and flushed the toilet but still looked very nauseous.

"Hi," He said as loud as he could manage. After a moment he stood up and leant against the wall.

"You look like shit," James told him. Usually he wouldn't have been so straight forward but his head was spinning. Charles flashed a mirthless smile.

"In that case, I look better than I feel." Charles ran a hand through his hair and stepped away from the wall dizzily. James smiled and looked down.
Charles eyes him, "Are you okay? I mean, beside the obvious hangover."

"Well... I don't know. "

Charles sat on the edge of the tub and patted the spot next to him gently. "Wanna talk about it? "

James sighed, sitting to to Charles. "It's what Thomas said last night," he said, surprised the alcohol hadn't erased it from his mind. "When he said he would kiss me."

"We were all drunk out of our minds," Charles laughed, swaying a little. James thought he might fall into the tub.

"Yeah, I know...."

Charles paused for a moment then said, "You like him, don't you?"
James nodded and sighed. "Well... If my opinion means anything, I think likes you too. "

"Sure." James buried his face in his hands.

"I mean it. I saw the way he looks at you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" James turned to look at Charles, noticing how sick he looked.
"Are you okay?"

"Well for all I know I could have alcohol poisoning." Charles shrugged, seeing concern flash across James's face. He smiled.
"I just feel a little sick, don't worry."

Silences followed for a few minuets before James decided it was his turn to ask questions.
"Who did you kiss?"


"You said you kissed a boy when we were playing last night," James informed him, wanting to find out what he could from Charles's love life.
"Who was it? Do you have a boyfriend or was it like a one time thing?"

The smile faded from his face and he looked down, frowning.
"Ex boyfriend," he told James sullenly.


Charles nodded slightly and said nothing for a minute before he was doubled over the toilet bowl and throwing up again.
James was by his side like girls always are in movies and keeping his sorta longish hair out of his face (Jon Rua and i have the same haircut!!).

"I can go see if they have any medicine or something? " James suggested, knowing where the girls' medicine cabinet was. Charles, who had stopped upchucking for a moment, nodded.
James headed out to the kitchen quickly but quietly (our medicine cabinet is in the kitchen so?? ) as to not wake anyone. He grabbed a few asprin and antiemetics and headed back.

He paused in the living room, in front of Thomas. He slept soundly, James smiled and moved on back to the bathroom.
Charles was splashing water in his face when James reentered, he handed him the medicine and sat back on the tub.

"Think you'll be able to keep it down?" He asked with genuine concern.

Shrugging, Charles took the pills.
"I guess we'll find out."
And the chapter ends here because i dont know what to write! I'm very grateful you let me waste your time like this!

Uh...France?{Jeffmads}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ