y'ALL I ain't ded

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James felt just a little nervous. Thomas sat right beside him, engaged in conversation with JD, Veronica and Maria shared small talk too, Peggy occasionally joining in. Charles was on the other side of him, now and then they'd look to each other, give an awkward smile then look down or away. The two weren't the most comfortable with the whole situation; Peggy and Maria had invited them all to dinner and the restaurant was fairly crowded.

Their meals all arrived quite soon, the two boys were both thankful because now the conversation seemed to morph into one and they were actually included. Halfway into their meals, Maria stood up, catching everyone's attention.

"Its great you all came," she started, smiling down at Peggy beside her. "because Peggy and I have some news."

Charles chuckled a little. "Thought you just wanted to take us out because you loved us so much."

Everyone laughed at this, "Love you all? Now that is funny." Peggy joked, causing more laughter to erupt from the table. People sitting by gave them looks, more negative than positive but none of them noticed.

"Okay, back to being serious." Maria outstretched her hand, Peggy took it and stood up beside her. They smiled at each other for a moment. 

"We're engaged!" Peggy squealed happily, holding out her hand to show everyone her ring.

"Oh my God, congratulations!" James was the first one up, running round the table to pull both of the girls into a hug. The others joined, congratulating them and expressing how happy they were for them. Some people at nearby tables clapped, awing. (Is that a word?)

The group finished their mini celebration and returned to their seats and finished their meals. They paid and went out for drinks at a close club, dropping all the formality. They realised why the dress memo was casual now after looking so out of place in the restaurant.

Charles received teasing comments the whole trip (they walked) about drinking, to which he tried his best to ignore. Maria gave Peggy a piggyback (a peggyback) ride and JD offered to Veronica but she declined so he then gave Charles a piggyback ride.

They drank and danced and had fun celebrating their friend's engagement. After a few hours they decided they'd had enough and went home. Charles had carpooled with Thomas and James so instead of going home, they went to Monticello.

"I'm not climbing up there," Charles said, slurring his words a little. They did all drink but not all that much. Thomas had already begun climbing and James followed in suit.

"Then stay down there." Thomas said and continued up into the treehouse.

"C'mon, Charles." James encouraged him kindly. After a moment of contemplating it, he decided to join them only so he wouldn't be alone down there in the dark. And since I don't know what to write and ill disappoint you anyway, they fell asleep in the tree house and its the next day.

Charles woke with a bad headache, he sat p and rubbed his tired eyes.  For a moment he was very confused until he realized he'd fallen asleep in the treehouse. James was just stirring awake whilst Thomas was still in a deep sleep.

"Morning," Charles said in a raspy voice as James sat up. James nodded in response, yawning and casting his gaze over to Thomas. He smiled and Charles smirked at him, raising an eyebrow. 

"Shut up," he said even though Charles hadn't said anything. He chuckled and yawned, stretching his tired limbs. Checking his phone, he saw that it was only on 20% and it was almost 11 am.

"I'm missing work," he said without concern in his voice.

James laughed, "Me too."

For a while they were both silent, James just rested while Charles went through his explore page on Instagram. Thomas woke up at some point and they decided they were all too hungover to do something progressive so they stayed there for just a while longer before climbing down and getting back into Thomas's car. James and Thomas, having the worst hangovers, lounged in the back seat whilst Charles drove. 

They went back to James' apartment and ordered take out, even though it was the middle of the day and I don't do that so it's kind of weird for me.  The rest of the day was spent with them just lounging around and waiting for their hangovers to pass.

It was around six in the evening when Thomas felt well enough to go home, leaving Charles and James alone in the apartment.

"So," Charles started.

"So what?"

"When are you going to ask Tommy out?"

James went red. "I-I don't know... I haven't thought about it, really." Charles scoffed,

"Sure, sure." He said. "If you don't hurry up and ask him out, I will."


Hey friends I'm still not finished my fucking assignments but oh well also yesterday I was so sick suddenly and now I'm not????

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