This is halloween

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James sat very still as Thomas helped him with his make up. He'd decided to dress up like Jack Skellington and Thomas was not yet in his costume.

"Annnnnd.... Done!" Thomas held up a small make up mirror for James, he smiled at his reflection and thanked Thomas.

"It looks great!" He said. Thomas bowed proudly, making them both laugh. James continued to admire the lovley work Thomas had doe with the make up and face paints while Thomas got dressed. He didn't know what he was dressing as but he still was excited to see it.

However many minuets it would logically take to put on such a costume as the wolf from Into The Woods later, Thomas stepped into the room in his costume.

"Tada!" He posed, James clapped.

"I love it," he said, standing up and crossing the room to him.Thomas took his hand and spun him around.

"Happy halloween!" He laughed. The two put their stuff (phones/wallets etc) into a bag so they didn't ruin their costume with those unnesicary acsesories. The plan was to meet up with everyone at a park or smth so they could all go trick or treating together before the party started, which they'd all been conveniantly invited to together.

The boys left and met up with Maria and Peggy at the park they agreed on. The girls rocked a terrible Pb&J couples costume. Charles was the next to arrive.

"Damn son!" Maria hollered upon seeing Charles. He looked hella good in his cat costume. "Twirl!"

Charles spun around as requested and his friends applauded jokingly. They waited there together until Aaron and Theo showed up in a couples Corpse Bride costume. Theo rocked the blue hair, they all agreed.

"Who's ready to go trick or treating?" Peggy asked, the group cheered a positive response. Maria took her wife's hand and ran down the street, eager to start the activity. 

"Don' worry, we're fine by ourselves." Charles muttered sarcastically, earning a laugh from Aaron. He smiled at him and the two shared a look for a moment before Theodosia slipped her hands into his and they started walking after the girls. Charles lingered behind to walk with James and Thomas.

"Did you see how Aaron looked at you?" Thomas said to him. "He was checking you at, Charlie!"

James hit Thomas gently. "Leave him alone."

Charles nodded a little, not quite knowing how to respond. "Your costumes are cool," he said.

"Thank you." James and Thomas said in unison. They laughed together and Charles rolled his eyes.

"I want to throw up," he joked. Thomas punched his arm playfully.

"Trick or treat!" They heard Maria squeal exitedly and all looked up to see her jumping up and down happily as she recieved lollies.

"How old are you all?" Asked the owner of the house as she gave the rest of them treats too, realizing they were all a group.

"Young enough to still go trick or treating," James answered. "Apparently."

Wicked time skip becuase i don't know what else to write. They're all at the spooky halloween party.

When they arrived they all hung out for a bit then Maria lead Peggy off to what was used as a dancefloor- all of the furniture from the lounge room had been moved to provide space. Theo hung around a little longer before spotting some other friends and excused herself to talk to them, then Aaron and Charles went somewhere together. 

"You reckon they're making out somewhere?" Thomas asked, James nodded and slowly sipped his drink.

"I still don't like parties." He said quietly to Thomas, who laughed a shook his head a little. Then Maria appeared before them.

"A few people invited us to play some drinking games with them." She told the boys. "Want to get drunk with me?"

Thomas stood quickly and pulled James up with him. "We most certainly do." He pulled James along like a lost dog, following Maria to a quieter room where a few small groups gathered; playing games or talking. She led them to a group that consisted of a few people neither James or Thomas knew as well as their friends. Charles was red faced and kept his eyes down, Aaron sat beside Theo with her head on his shoulder. 

"They're playing too," said Maria as she sat down beside Peggy. Thomas and James sat together between Charles and someone they didn't know.

"The more the merrier," said someone dressed like a vampire.

They played a tone of different games that all of course involved alcohol. Peggy and Maria decided to sit out when it was drunkenly decided to play spin the bottle because they're all fucking twelve year olds.

Thomas spun the bottle and it landed on James, Maria hollered. "I'm gonna get his makeup all over my face!" Thomas complained jokingly. He kissed James which earned a few cheers from the rest of the group simply because it was gay. James spun the bottle and it landed on some girl dressed like Eleven from Stranger Things bc season fucking two. After that the girl had to kiss Aaron and when he spun the bottle, Charles almost hoped it would land on him.

He frowned when it landed on Theo. Aaron smiled and kissed his girlfriend seemingly very lovingly.

"I don't feel like playing anymore," said Charles as he stood up and left the group. James stood and followed him quickly, Aaron watched them both go.

"Charles." James caught his wrist and stopped him.

"I'm tired," Charles said, pulling away. "I'm going home."


"Can you leave me alone?" Charles snapped at James. His features softened to an apologetic expression. "Please?"

James nodded and watched Charles leave. He remained where he was for a moment before retuning to the group.

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