Matchmaker In The Making

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Now that Maria knew James liked Thomas, she wanted to find out if Thomas like James.
She had a few ideas on how to do just that.

She finished up calling her friends and headed to the kitchen where Peggy was making breakfast.

Maria wrapped her arms around Peggy's waist, "Morning, babe."

Peggy spun around and kissed her girlfriend. "Good morning," she said said with a smile and handed Maria a plate of bacon and eggs.

"I thought we could have some friends over tonight," Maria started as she sat down at the counter to eat. "Have some drinks, play a few games. That sort of thing."

Peggy nodded, "A little get together of sorts?"

"I guess so."

Peggy and Maria spent the day at the shops, just buying little bits and pieces for tonight. Maria bought a lot of alcohol.

"We don't need that much," Peggy told her through the window as she came out of the bottle-o with four bags, two bottles in each.

"I do." Maria smirked, getting into the car. Peggy sighed and started the car.
They needed to head home and made sure they were ready for when their guests arrived.

They poured packets of chips into large bowls and gathered those red cups they always use at parties in movies. Then the author times skips to when everyone is there because she's lazy.

It was early in the evening when almost everyone had arrived. There was Thomas, James and Sally, which thankfully didn't complicate anything for her or Thomas.
They were waiting on a few friends from Peggy and Maria's work.
Peggy worked at a café in the mall and Maria the shop across from it. They enjoyed this because they could get to and from work together and were always close.

Maria grew impatient and opened up one of the bottles; a large bottle of vodka.

"Not everyone is here yet," Peggy told her.

"They're late." Was Maria's argument as she offered a drink to those who arrived.

"Actually, we are a little early." Thomas stated.

"If they arrived now, they'd be on time," Added Sally and just as she did, there was a knock at the door. Peggy got up to answer it, it was Veronica and her boyfriend, JD. Behind them, Charles was just arriving.

"You started drinking with out us!" Veronica complained jokingly as the came in and joined everyone in the lounge room.

"You haven't met Thomas and James," Peggy began introductions. "Boys, this is Veronica and Jason Dean."

JD shook their hands, "Call me JD."

"It's nice to meet you," Started Veronica.

"You too." James handed her and JD both a cup.

Charles joined them in the lounge room too after helping Peggy bring in the bowls of chips. They snuck off to the kitchen to get them because the author forget about them somehow.

"Are you all friends from school?" Veronica asked, charismatically starting a conversation.

"Yeah," Thomas answered now.
"And you know each other through work?"

"Yes." Veronica took a handful of chips as they were passed her way. "Charles and I work at the same restaurant as Peggy and JD works with Maria."

Thomas was quiet for a moment and seemed deep in thought before startling everyone when he jumped up and shouted. "Charles Lee!"

Charles was both surprised and in some way a little worried. "Yeah?"

"You moved away right before middle school started." Thomas explained but Charles still appeared puzzled. "It's me, Thomas. Thomas Jefferson."

It took Charles a moment of rummaging through his childhood memories there fore his eyes widened in realization and he too jumped up, Thomas pulling him into a hug.
"It is you!... Holy fuck, I missed you."

James glanced around a little awkwardly as the boys rejoiced in their reunion. He looked to Peggy a little pleadingly, who looked to Maria. The two girls stared at each other for a moment before Maria shot up.

"I wouldn't want to waste this alcohol so why don't we do something fun?"
There was a small round of cheers, Charles and Thomas sat back down and joined.

More then a decent few drinks later, Veronica had to take JD home before he got a little too drunk and Sally went home because she had work in the morning.

"Never have I ever," Maria slurred. "Kissed a boy."

There was no reaction when Peggy took a shot but the group acted differently when Charles did. Thomas hollered, Maria cheered and James and Peggy giggled.

"Who? Tell me who it was!" Maria pestered. "Do I know him?"

Charles drunkenly pushed her away, "That's for me to know." Hiccup. "And you to find out."
(Totally lowkey Aaron amirite?)

"What ever," Maria sighed. Next it was James's turn.

"Never have I ever...." He trailed off as he thought. His cheeks were flushed red from the intoxication and he couldn't get his thoughts in order. He looked to Thomas and smiled.
"Been to France."

"First of all." Thomas pointed at James, taking a shot and lazily slamming the glass down. "Not fair. Secondly, fuck you."

James, with his thoughts and emotions all over the place, winked. "If ya want."

Wait, what the fuck did I just say? He stopped and stared ahead of him for a moment before turning to Peggy, his cheeks burning from embarrassment. Thomas chuckled dryly, not seeming to have really noticed the comment. But Maria and Charles did, they had smirks plastered on their faces and were fighting back a laugh.

"This is getting boring." Peggy announced, standing up and stumbling just a little. James thanked her silently.
"Let's play something else."

"Truth," Hiccup, "or dare?" Charles suggested, it was answered with drunken cheers from Maria and Thomas. Peggy sighed and sat back down.
It wasn't late, only about 10 o'clock and they still had one bottle left, it doesn't help that JD and Veronica brought an extra two that they'd already finished.

James sighed, truth or dare. Also known as tell me who you like or kiss someone.

"I want to ask first!" Maria's hand shot up like a student enthusiastic about answering a question.
"Thomas, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Thomas slurred and finished up his drink.

"Out of everyone here," Maria started, straying from the cliché question James thought the would ask. "Who would you kiss?"

Oh no, this is much worse. He thought and took a long chug, finishing his drink.

James chocked on his drink.
He looked up to see Maria beaming and Peggy laughing breathlessly. He felt his face heating up again as he looked to Thomas, who seemed to only have just now realized his answer.

He too was burning up and looked unsurely down at James quickly. James prayed the alcohol would help both of them forget this in the morning, mostly for his sake.

Thank you for reading this bs. Also, I have decided that I will write a Leeburr fic.

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