Cute and Short

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Hey! Quick message! I want you guys to pick costumes for them; either send pictures or simply leave suggestions in the comments. The boys(James,Charles,Thomas) can have whatever but I reckon Peggy and Maria should have some cringy couples costume. What do ya'll think?

Thomas had begged James to go shopping with him; he didn't know what for but Thomas obviously had it sorted. They were shopping for costumes to wear on Halloween. They tried a lot of dress up shops and now Thomas was helping James decide on a costume because apparently he already had one planned. He wouldn't tell James what it was and that he had to wait until Halloween to see it.

"What about this?" Thomas suggested, showing James on of those thotty cat costumes that are basically that sexy lacy stuff that starts with L because I can't spell it for the life of me. "Try this on."

James looked up from searching and went red. "Thomas."

"Yes, James?"

"That's a girl's costume." He told his boyfriend, who faked surprise.

"It is?" He looked at the costume. "I didn't realize, though you could still wear it."

James snatched it from his hand and threw it back onto the shelf, still bright red. Thomas laughed and simply watched on as James kept looking. "Aren't we too old for trick or treating? Why do we need costumes?" He asked.

"We are never  too old for trick or treating!" Protested Thomas. "And we need costumes because we have been invited to a Halloween party."

"Why didn't I know bout this?" James asked.

"You do," Thomas said. "Now." James rolled his eyes.

"Who else is going?"

"Peggy and Maria," Thomas started. "Aaron, Theo and Charles."

James nodded, "Okay."

"Hurry up and pick a costume!" Thomas urged, throwing a few at James and earning a hard look from an employee.

"This one." James held one out to his boyfriend. 

"You sure?" Thomas asked, James nodded. The two headed to the counter and paid for the costume before leaving and getting into Thomas' car. It was early evening now and the disappearing sunset was beautiful.

"I don't want to go home yet." Thomas said as he started the car. "Let's go somewhere?"

James shrugged, "Sure, but where?"

"Can we just drive around?" Suggested Thomas. James liked the idea and that's how the evening officially started; they ordered cheap fast food that would make Deanie throw up and turned the radio up loud, driving around the city with no destination in mind.

Together they sang along to cringy songs on the radio, the only car in some random carpark, and fed each other too salty chips- purposely spilling them on each other. There were a lot of voice cracks and choking on food but it was still fun.

"I am going to hyperventilate," James said, out of breath as the songs were interrupted by ads and sponsors. Thomas laughed and turned the radio down, handing James one of the drinks. They just shared them so it didn't matter if it was actually his drink. 

James yawned and closed his eyes. "I'm tired," he said.

Thomas checked the time and was surprised to find they'd been driving around aimlessly for hour; it was ten o'clock already. He sighed, turning the music up just a little and winding down the windows to let the cool air in.

"Let's go home," said Thomas. James nodded tiredly.

"Mine or yours?"

Thomas shrugged, "Mine?" James nodded and Thomas started up the car again, leaving the carpark and driving to his complex. "Here."

James' eyelids fluttered open and he yawned a little. 

"Sorry, were you asleep?" Thomas asked as he unbuckled his belt and got out of the car. He ran around to James' side and opened the door for him, tiredly James stepped out.

"Yeah..." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Thomas took his hand and they headed up to his apartment. Both boys kicked off their shoes at the door and as they came into the lounge room, James went to lay down on the couch but Thomas took his hand and lead him to his room. Rated G for Get your head out of the gutter.

"You're not sleeping on the couch," he told James as he pulled down the covers. James laid down tiredly and pulled Thomas down with him.

"Then cuddle with me." He mumbled. Smiling, Thomas sighed and pulled James into his arms. "I love you," muttered James.

"I love you too."

Uh...France?{Jeffmads}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα