Guyss Phil Is Not On Fire 9!!!!?!

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James woke up to Thomas pampering him with kisses, he smiled sleepily and pushed his face away.

"Good morning," Thomas cooed, running his fingers through James' hair.

"Mmm....Morning." James stretched and sat up slowly, rubbing his tired eyes. Thomas  was already dressed, which made James wonder what the plans for today were. "Are we doing something today?"

"I though we could maybe walk around today..." Suggested Thomas. "Like, sight seeing."

James nodded, "Okay... I'm gonna shower."

Whoop de doo! James showers and they go out. I'm sleep deprived. They walk around, hand in hand, for a while and look at stuff I am not going to name because I don't know what one would observe in Pensilyvania. At some point Thomas gives James a piggyback and they get a wide variety of looks, especially when they entered a café.

James sat across from Thomas at the small table, no one looking at them anymore. 

"Day two of running away," Thomas said. "What do you think?"

James shrugged. "It's nice."

"Just nice?"

James laughed. "What adjective would you prefer?"

"Awesome, great, fun!" Thomas cheered and the staring happened again. Their coffees and bickies were finally then delivered to their table, you can never have coffee without biscuits.

"Enjoy," their waitress chimed, smiling at Thomas as she walked away. James snatched up the napkin she left with Thomas' cup and laughed.

"She gave you her number!" He waved it in front of Thomas' face. 

"Really?" Thomas took the napkin and read what was scribbled on it in biro. 'Call sometime xo 046924601'  (hehehehehe) "James, I'm sorry but we have to break up. This girl seems to like me."

James laughed and pretended to cry. "I'm heart broken."

"I would hope so." Thomas joked. "I'd be upset if I broke up with me."

"Fuck you." James threw a biscuit at him.

"That did nothing for you," Thomas teased, putting the biscuit in his mouth. "I just get more cookies."

Time skip the boys enjoy their coffee and bickies and now I really want some. fuck. They argue over who's going to pay and since it was taking forever they just paid for their own. Fuck sappy romances.

As they're about to leave the café, Thomas beckons over the waitress who served them. James stared at him wide eyed, wondering what he was doing. The girl skipped over happily.

"My boyfriend and I would like to thank you for serving us," Thomas said to her, slipping his hand into James'. The girl's smile dropped, Thomas smirked and turned, leading James out of the café.

"Petty," James commented, smiling and cuddling close to Thomas as they crossed the street. Thomas leant down to kiss his forehead, James stopped and stood on his tiptoes to kiss his lips.

"I love you." Thomas mumbled into the kiss. Someone wolf whistled and James, turning bright red, pulled away.

"I love you too," he muttered in embarrassment.

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