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Aaron/Charles chapter for the first bit

Edit- I wrote this while watching a BMC bootleg so I'm very distracted this will be bad

It had taken James and Thomas a while, but they managed to convince Charles to talk to Aaron about what happened.  He'd called Aaron and asked to meet up, to which he agreed.

"Hey, Charlie." Aaron showed up at the same park bench that they'd kissed at. Charles stood up to greet him,

"Hi," he said quickly. Aaron sat down with him and opened his mouth to speak but Charles started first. "Why did you kiss me?"

There was a pause.

"I- Charlie-"

"Charles." Corrected Charles, not rudely but in a way sort of upset because he's a sook like me.

"I think I like you," Aaron admitted finally, to which Charles remained silent. "I wasn't sure and I know I shouldn't have kissed you and honestly I don't even know why I did."

"What about Theodosia?" Charles asked quietly, Aaron shrugged.

"I don't know- I mean I don't want to hurt her." Said Aaron. "But just.. I don't love her anymore. Charles- I like you."

He didn't reply. Sighing, Aaron reached out for his hand and smiled when he took it. For a moment neither of them said, but Aaron slowly inched closer and cupped Charles' cheek. He hesitated and Charles chuckled just a little before initiating the kiss.

James smiled as he watched Thomas collect their drinks from the counter. His hair bounced as he ran back to their table, careful not to spill their drinks. Milkshakes, guys; they're not at a bar or smth.

"What are you staring at?" Joked Thomas as he sat in his seat across from James and slid one milkshake toward him.

"You," Replied James cheerfully as he dipped his finger in the frothy stuff around the top of the glass and licked it off. Rated G for Get your head out of the gutter.

Thomas grinned. "Understandable. I am pretty handsome, aren't I?"

"Yeah, definitely." James took a long sip through his straw.

Thomas laughed a little and took a drink also. "What are you writing now?" He asked.


"What article? I saw a draft on your computer last night but I didn't read it," Thomas said. James shrugged.

"Just stupid politics." Answered James, quickly checking his watch to see how much longer his break was.

"You're a good writer," Thomas told his boyfriend. "You're good with words."

James' cheeks flushed. "Shut up."

"Why can't you take a compliment?" Thomas complained, amusement underlining his voice. James shrugged unnoticeably. "If I say something nice, I mean it."

"Uh huh," James muttered. Thomas kicked his foot under the tale. "What was that for?"

"You're beautiful," Thomas chimed, James turned away as his cheeks went ruby red.

"I'm not," he replied quietly.

"You are." Thomas urged, taking his hand across the table and holding it tightly. "You're one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen."

"Shut up!" James squealed. He snatched his hand away and hid his face. 

"You two are adorable," said a woman as she passed their table, wearing a vote yes pin because Australia needs to hurry and grow the fuck up. This comment only made James blush and shy away more.

"He is, isn't he?" Thomas agreed with the woman, James kicked his foot under the table. Thomas only laughed and leant over the table to kiss his blushing boyfriend.

Sorry this is so short

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