First day

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Chapter 1

First Day(Friday)

I have just recently become a freshman at Sunnyside High .Today being the first day at Sunnyside I was a nervous wreck, not wanting to be noticed or causing any problems. I had to make a good first impression.I woke up early and put nice black jeans on with a cute sweater and combat boots.I curled my long brown hair which fell to the top of my jeans.As I had finished getting ready for school my mom called me down because my ride was leaving.After what felt like forever we came up to the high school.I had goosebumps down my arms.The last thing I wanted was to draw attention to myself even though i'm the known "bad girl" in my grade.I may have acted all cruel and unfriendly but truth is I have a bad past that made me block people out.I drink and smoke a lot.I hide all my true feeling because I hate getting involved with people.I mean yeah I have hooked up with people over the summer.I even lost my virginity which many people judge and I hate because it was a huge mistake.

Anyway, the school seemed smaller than what I had pictured before. I slowly walked through the high long doors determined to get to my locker repeating in my head "244.....244....48-20-6.....48-20-6...."I completely stopped paying attention to anything around me.I went to look up at the locker I was at and suddenly, I got trampled by the most attractive guys I had seen, I also had not looked up from when I walked through the doors.One guy was about 6 foot a lot taller than me.He had the prettiest hazel eyes and his smile was just perfect, his teeth perfectly aligned.His laugh was the kind that made you want to laugh.He told his friend he would meet them in class and then said "I apologize I should be looking where I am going."

"No,no please it was my fault.Are you okay?"I was wondering why I said sorry.I never say sorry.I could give a rats ass if anyone was okay but he was different I don't know how he just was.

"Really you are asking me if I am okay when I practically just decked you,and im twice you size"

"True,sorry anyway."I kept walking but then I felt him grab my arm and god what would he want with me?I mean I am only a Freshman.I wiggled my arm out of his grip because I have a short fuse and if he didn't leave me alone in the span of the next second I was going to blow.

He turned and looked at me puzzled and asked" Aren't you going to ask me my name?"

Now I was fed up I just wanted him to leave me alone.Im not the type to get bothered by attention but I needed my space and time alone and this guy was bothering me so I turned looked him straight in the eye and said "Listen I really don't care about your name all you need to know is I am not interested.Other girls may find your smile and hazel eyes just so dreamy but I'm not like other girls.So just back off."He looked at me weird and went to talk but before he could even let out a sound I walk away and found my locker.God I was so much like other girls his eyes his smile they were so dreamy and I could totally fall for him if I actually thought we could have a future.Im against the whole dating thing in highschool its stupid.Like what are the odds you find the guy you want to marry in high school.It's not going to happen so just keep looking.I remembered my combination and I found my first five classes.I couldn't find my sixth class and I really needed help.I was already ten minutes late and I absolutely hate being late.With my luck he walked up to me and goes "Listen you didn't give me a chance to talk."I went to walk faster but he just caught up and something was pulling me into listen. "What do you want?" " you're hot.I like your snotty attitude.It's cute.Whether you're interested or not i'm keeping my eyes on you" I fucking hate the word cute it send chills down my body it's a terrible term.Nobody should ever use it.The reason I hate it is because my father called me it and god was a fuck up.I was so fed up asked "where is room 405?Oh and never call me cute its a terrible word."

He grinned and just started walking so I followed behind him as he lead me right to room 405 but he walked right past it.I assumed he was going back to class but I couldn't stop but wonder who he was and by the time my daydreaming was over it was time to go home.At home I still couldn't stop but daydream more about who he is and why he wanted me.I concluded that he was just pulling a prank on me to laugh with his friends.Before I knew it, it was eleven o'clock and I couldn't bare to keep my eyes open.I finally dozed off to bed hoping that I ran into him again.That night September 8th 2016 was the first night I dreamt of him.

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