Phantoms and Angels: The Heist

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You shot out your steel cables and flew up towards the roof to cover your team in its escape while they landed on the balcony beneath you. The place was crawling with police and private guards but the ones along the grounds had been covertly taken out by your tranquilizer gun or Eren's sleeper hold.

You crouched down on the roof, rifle in tow. The guard you shot to sleep five minutes earlier was still lying up there and you moved him quietly and kicked away his gun.

This mission was an easy task, despite the warning The Phantoms sent three days prior. Originally, Erwin suspected this crooked politician wouldn't have alerted the authorities but he guessed wrong. Apparently, the politician had friends in high places.

You quietly scanned the grounds below, acting as a private guard while listening to your team go back and forth on the earpiece. From the sounds of it, they ran into some badges guarding the ring but a quick smoke bomb and a few throw downs, they were handled easily.

"Ring retrieved!" Mikasa breathed.

"Good work, Ackerman," said Levi heavily; he was on the move already. "Let's get out of here before the system goes off. (L/n)! Cover us and return to the van."

"Got it."

You raised your rifle a tad higher to ready yourself to cover your team when you felt something eerie behind you. At the last second, you leapt to the side and came out of roll, the small, silenced hand gun you kept strapped to your thigh pointing out in front of you.

Your heart fell as you found three black hooded figures standing before you.

"We should have just shot her," said one of the two tall men standing behind the smaller woman. Both men had their own hand guns pointed at you.

Her emotionless face remained steady. "The cops would have heard it," she said indifferently, both her shortened katanas half raised. How you managed to get snuck up on by these three was a little ridiculous but you knew that they were just as good as your team.

"Annie..." you said coldly.

"Did (f/n) just say Annie!?" you heard Armin cry into your earpiece. "She's here?"

"(L/n), are Braun and Hoover there?" demanded Levi.

"Yeah," was all you could say, not taking your eyes off the lifeless blue ones before you.

The Dark Angels.

The thought made you want to scoff. They were anything but angels, as far as you were concerned. They were traitorous murderers with a thirst for money and a knack for dirty politics. Originally, they were with your team but once they were caught back stabbing you guys, Erwin threw them out and relocated your HQ. If any group was your group's archenemy, it was them. They stole and killed whenever they wished for the thrill and the money behind it. The general public tagged the Phantoms as a side sect of vigilantes but were well aware that the Dark Angels were outright evil. Either way, law enforcement wanted to take both groups down.

Annie stepped forward. "Don't make the mistake and think I won't shoot you, traitor," you snapped, gripping the gun tighter.

"Please," Reiner scoffed. "You Phantoms are weak willed. You couldn't kill her even if you wanted to."

He was partially right. You would never shoot to kill, not even these three who betrayed your trust, but that didn't mean you wouldn't shoot either one of them to cause minor injury to them.

"Should we help her, Levi?!" Eren's voice shouted in your ear.

You weren't sure Levi would give that command but your team's safety and security of the ring were more of a priority than you. You were well aware you were backed in a corner; you knew you will not make it out of this without getting hurt, or make it out alive at all. These guys wouldn't hesitate in the slightest to kill you, which you vaguely wondered why they were waiting now. What the hell did they want with you?

Levi x Reader || One Shots And Short StoriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz