Chapter Ten: Naraku Escapes

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        Sesshomaru did not answer, but Jaken didn't push.

Sesshomaru did not know why, but he did not like how Naraku's scent mixed with Nayumi's blood. He seemed calm on the outside, but his blood was boiling.

        As he approached the place where Naraku's puppet had appeared, he smelt fresh blood.

The slayer is wounded. He thought to himself, and then transformed in his dog demon form. The transformation caught Jaken off guard seeing as it was sudden and without warning.

        I can't keep this up much longer. Nayumi thought to herself as he breathing becaming heavy. Naraku had already managed to make a gash across her lower back, and it was all she could do to block his moves. 

"Why don't you make a move, slayer?" Naraku teased.

"Why don't you come out of that barrier, or should I break it?" Nayumi growled.

"Nayumi!" Rin yelled.

        Nayumi did not care of the risk, at the sound of Rin's voice Nayumi turned her back on Naraku. Before anyone could make a move, Nayumi threw her sword at Kagura.

"You missed." Kagura said; merely taking a step back as the sword plunged into the ground at her feet.

"You should know by now that I miss on purpose." Nayumi said; using her spiritual power to cast a barrier from the sword.

The barrier was pure enough, that Kagura had to let go of Rin to get out alive.

"Stupid girl! Now you have to weapon!" Kagura sneared.

"My sister is safe. That's all that matters." Nayumi said; falling to her knees.

        Sesshomaru got there as Nayumi fell. He noticed her sword by Rin, and that Rin was safe, but he also noticed that Nayumi had given up her only way of defense.

"Looks like dogs are loyal." Kagura laughed; turning Nayumi's head to face Sesshomaru.

"You underestimate me." Nayumi laughed.

"What?" Kagura asked, but it was too late.

        Nayumi grabbed both her arms and released her spiritual powers. Kagura screamed in pain. Noticing what was happeneing, Naraku's arm extended and smacked Nayumi to the side with easy. Kagura laid there motionless, but  Sesshomaru could tell she was still alive. He also noticed Nayumi push herself off the ground.

For a human, she's a good fighter. Sesshomaru thought.

        Not seeing the slayer as a threat anymore, Nataku turned to face Sesshomaru, who was still looking at Nayumi. Fear flashed through Nayumi's eyes when she saw him. While it was only an instant, it was enough to make him tran?sform back into his normal form.

"Come to save both humans, have you?" Naraku teased.

"I have come merely to kill you." Sesshomaru shrugged.

        With that said,, they started to engage in battle. With Naraku in a barrier, he had the upper hand.

I have to break the barrier. Nayumi thought, But how?

Then it hit her. She had only done it once before, but she knew how to bring his barrier down. He only concern was that it would suck all her energy out. She only had one shot at this and she didn't want to mess it up.

She didn't have time to plan it out. Without being able to hit Naraku, Sesshomaru wasn't getting anywhere, and if he died then so would Rin.

        There was not hesitation. Nayumi pushed herself to her feet and ran. When she was almost under the barrier, she jumped with her hands outstretched.

"No!" Naraku yelled, but it was too late.

        Her hands met the barrier and light exploded form every direction. It was so bright, that Sesshomaru had to cover his eyes. He back handed her across the face, and she flew back. She knew that would dimenish her powers, but she did not expect it to weaken her so much that the barrier around Rin would fall.

"Now you will pay." Naraku said; sending a fierce attack right for Rin.

        Sesshomaru ran, but he knew he would never make it in time.  When the blast hit about where Rin was Sesshomaru was shocked. It wasn't Rin's blood he smelled. It was the slayers. As he looked aorund he realized that she wasn't where Naraku had knocked her. Sesshomaru only, faintly, smelled Rin's blood. The amount that would come from nothing more than a scrape.

        When the smoke subsided, Sesshomaru said Nayumi laying over Rin. They were both unconcious, but Rin seemed unharmed. To his surprise, Nayumi was still alive. Then he remembered that he had given her his robe. His robe was better than armor. She still suffered from serious injuries, but she was not blown to pieces.

"I see she threw her own life away to save her sister. Humans are so pathetic." Naraku scuffed; disgust in his voice.

"Jaken." Sesshomaru said, but didn't have to say anymore.

"Yes, my lord." Jaken said then went over to the humans.

"How very sweet of you Sesshomaru. Looking after pathetic humans." Naraku laughed.

"You'll pay for ever hurting Nayumi." Sesshomaru snarled; surprising himself.

 "I wasnt aware you cared for the slayer so much." Naraku laughed.

        Sesshomaru didn't bother a response. He simply went on the attack. He didn't know what was happening to him, but this sudden anger wasn't like him. He was always to calm and collected type. Jaken even noticed the sudden change, but refused to believe that this human girl was the cause of it.

Naraku could barely block Sesshomaru. He's was beginning to tire when Kagura came to. With a single thought Naraku ordered Kagura to head towards the humans, but to flee when Sesshomaru headed her way. She did as he wished, and it did not take long for Sesshomaru to switch his attention to her. With Sesshomaru's focus off of him, Naraku made his escape. Kagura did the same as Sesshomaru neared her.

        "My lord, they have fled!" Jaken exclaimed.

"Yes." was Sesshomaru's only response as he stood over the two sisters. 

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