I shot up from my bed and this time Harry was sitting on the edge of my bed. "Athens, what are these nightmares about? Honestly you are kinda like a sister to me and I am worried about you."

"Fine, I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone."

"Deal." Than I explained it to him, when I finished his face was in shock, "It's a war, Voldemort is going to come back, isn't he?"

"I have a feeling he is already back just low on power." I spent the rest of the night at the kitchen table drinking strong tea to keep me awake. Sirius came into the kitchen and looked at me.

"Another nightmare?"


"How bad?"

"Worse than the last one." Then the letter came, it was a Ministry Owl. I went and got it. I opened it and it was from the Minister.

Dear Ms. Riddle,

I wrote to say Lucius Malfoy has been released and proven innocent. In the other hand I did find your prophecy please come in tomorrow so you can see it, like you requested.

The Minister

"What is it, Athens?" Sirius asked.

"I should have known Lucius Malfoy would jave done this." I mummbled to myself, "Lucius Malfoy has been proven innocent."

"How is that possible? Without your testimony and your scars there is nothing to hold him there."

"I know but it doesn't surprise me he got out. He has friends in low and high places."

Fred's POV

George and I went down to breakfast where Mum was waiting with a letter.

"Fred, George, you have a letter from Sirius." Mum told us.

"I wonder what about." I told George.

"I have no clue." George shrugged as I took the letter from Mum and opened it.

Fred, George,

This is about Athens. Athens have been having nightmares everynightand they are getting worse everynight but she is refusing to talk about them. I imagine it will be worse considering Lucius Malfoy has been freed and proven innocent of all charges. Please come and talk to her, make sure she is okay. I am very worried about her our fireplace is always open.

Sirius Black

"It might explain why she hasn't written to us." George said.

"Mum, can George and I go to Grinwald Place? Something is going on with Athens." I asked her.

"What's going on with her?" Mum asked and George explained what was in the letter. "Yes, if course, travel by flu power, you'll get there faster."

Athens POV...

I was in my room a Grimwald Place looking out onto the street we lived on, it was raining. I watched as Muggles passed, not knowing we were here. I was lost in thought. What if my nightmares come true what if Fred does die, what if Cedric dies, what if Remus dies, what if Lavender dies. What if my father wins. What if does take me in the end?

I heard rustling outside of my door.

"You open it, you're her boyfriend!"

"Fine." Than the door opened and two red-headed boys came in.

"Sirius owled you, didn't he?" I asked.

"He sure did." Fred sighed.

"And we came the moment we got the message " George added.

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