Chp.20-Coming Home

Start from the beginning

I had thought about returning home and never ever setting foot in on St. Mary’s campus ever again, but I also really wanted to be a part of this “Case” even if I could die.

What if I survived?

Did that mean the next wave of new girls wouldn't have to die?

According the History of St. Mary's, it stated that if at least two remaining victims survived, then the whole legend would be broken.

Why was I so set on believing this stupid myth?

I didn't know.

All I knew was that I didn't want anybody else dying.

I knew stepping foot here was a bad thing.

Sighing, I went back to packing, hoping my mind would be clear of things.

After packing, I changed into my outfit for the airport.

Slipping on my navy OBEY crew-neck, skinny jeans, gray-and-white UGGS, and some cute diamond hoops, I was ready in no time. (Outfit on the side)

Grabbing my Louis Vuitton suitcase that I was going to check-in, my red Mulberry bag with spikes filled with my laptop, iPad, chargers, a change of clothes, and toiletries, and my camel colored shoulder bag with my phone, iPod, etc.


A girl needs her stuff.

I was still normal, even though I went to school where new girls got killed.

I ran outside since I was late, as usual, so I could still make it to the airport in time.

My driver helped with my luggage while Chris and I shared a quick peck. I couldn't wait for him to meet my parents!

Once inside, we rushed off to the airport, hoping to make it in time.

An Hour Later

I checked in my suitcase, leaving behind my red bag and my shoulder bag.

Chris had gone to get me some food, since I was always hungry.

After we ate and waited, it was finally time to board.

The plane was soon boarding and we left for take-off, my heart beating at a fast pace because I was scared.

I was never too fond of planes. Chris must have noticed my anxiety because he squeezed my hands, comforting me...a bit.

Finally, we took off to the sky and the plane ride was much smoother.

I sighed in relief and closed my eyes, ready for the long plane ride.

After the ride, my legs were wobbly and sleepy, and I was too tired.

“What time is it?” I said sleepily to Chris.

Chris checked his phone, and replied,

“3 AM, wanna go eat breakfast before we go to your parents?”

“Sure” yawning, we took off to the near-by cafe in LAX with our luggage.

I ordered a hot chocolate with pancakes on the side while Chris order a frappe with muffins.

Who knew cafes had pancakes?

Our food finally arrived. I sleepily ate my pancakes with Chris beside me, stuffing his muffin in his mouth.

Pig, I stifled a giggle.

“What's so funny?” Chris asked with his mouth full.

“You sure were hungry.” I teased him.

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