Chapter 66: Freed

Start from the beginning

"Negotiate my ass." Water seems to sprout from behind the throne, shooting at me at terrifying speed. I dodge the massive coil, reaching out with my own gravity and redirecting it at Frieda. The force of my parry is stronger than both of us expected and I gape in pleasant surprise as Frieda slams into her throne, the water breaking through her defense. I chuckle to myself. Maybe the Awakening did help.

"Get her." Frieda hisses in between her sputtering coughs, wiping the blood from her forehead. So she controls them telepathically then. Guess she's going to have to die.

The two men beside me charge, but their movements are slow and sluggish. I deflect their punches with ease, sidestepping before diving behind one of the men and elbowing the side of his head, slipping a needle into his neck for extra security. I can't help, but grin, recalling the many times my inexperience in hand to hand combat failed me. Guess not anymore.

I finish the other man in a similar fashion, but not before seeing dozens of lightning-fast drops of water rushing towards me, resembling an onslaught of bullets. Cole comes alive, his movements so agile and precise I wonder if he is even human. I barely dodge his attacks, blocking multiple barrages of water whips and bullets and coils. Come on Axel, any minute now.

"Poor little thing. Not so powerful now, are you." Frieda cackles, but I notice the sweat lining her brow, the exhaustion she is desperately trying to hide behind that confident tone. She's controlling him somehow, enhancing his natural fighting talents.

I sprint for the nearest pillar, hissing as one of Cole's attacks finds home on my calf. Black spots fill my vision, but I push through it, reaching the temporary safety of the marble column. I harness the last reserves of my energy for one final assault. I slither out from the column, sharpening my vision, using my gravity to reach out not for the water in this room.

But for the water that lay in the crashing ocean a mere twenty-foot drop from the balcony.

My smile is wicked as I narrowly dodge Cole's savage wave of water, laughing at the look of realization on his and Frieda's face. Glass shatters as the smell of salt fills the air, seawater hurtling towards Frieda's sagging figure. Cole desperately tries to shield her but collapses under the force along with his controller. I sway, my head suddenly feeling light. Too much at once. I vomit, all of the previous night's meal spilling out of me. But through it all, I smile in triumph.

But it was too early to gloat.

There are those that say arrogance is one's greatest enemy and the most common cause of failure.

"Stop her heart. Burst her veins until she bleeds before my eyes." I hear Frieda choke out bitterly as Cole sputters on the ground.

Nothing could have prepared me for this kind of agony. It started in my arms and spread throughout my entire body. It is like thousands of people are pulling your skin off in a thousand different directions. It is so excruciating my body doesn't seem to know how to react to the pain. Suddenly, something starts tugging on my heart and I can't breathe, can't see, can only scream for some kind of relief, for some kind of end to this dimensionless, unending hell. Tears spill from my eyes as I lay twitching helplessly on the ground, Everything is going to burst and you're going to die bleeding out like a fish.

"Please. Cole. Stop." I whimper through my torment. His eyes seem to widen a little, and the agony seems to recede by just a miniscule amount. I seize this opportunity, forcing myself to suck in air while I still can before my heart stopped. My concentration was breaking. I can't hold him off much longer. But if I don't, my veins really will explode.

"Cole. Bring her to me." The pain halts abruptly and I almost cry in happiness. I have no strength left to hold myself upright, letting Cole drag me to the base of her throne, Frieda slouching on it, her face in a deep scowl that ruined her elegant features. I notice the outline of my blood vessels underneath my skin, popping out from their usual positions. My heart beats so fast my chest aches.

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