Thirty Two: Midgard

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It is a strange time on Midgard. Each person brooding, on their way to work or school. Mostly young women, or older men patrolled the streets. She noticed an absence of young men mostly. Reminding her of times so, so, long ago in her own realm where war raged. Now these people are suffering a similar fate. The loss of thousands of sons, husbands, and fathers. And brave women choosing to nurse these soldiers on the battlefield.

It was in any conversation in Asgard now. Around the feasting table or small talk at a tavern between people. Street gossip. The war waging on Midgard. And Asgard does nothing. (It is not our duty to quarrel in the affairs of the mortals. They do not worship us.)

A large building erected in front of Sigyn. Four large poster columns raising the ceilings all leading to a four point-spinning door. She walked towards it. Many soldiers with many medals marched in and out of the military building based in New York City.

She pushed through. Heels clicked rhythmically across the marble tiles down a long room where a large rounded desk sat. The marble tiles run up the desk. Low hanging chandeliers ornament wealth and crystal and does not provide much light to the dark room. In Sigyn's left arm she carried a small black clutch, her delicate hands hidden in gloves. Which seems to be the fashion on Midgard lately.

As she neared the desk, the lady behind lifted her eyes watching as she stopped a foot away from the desk and smiled kindly. "May I help you?" asked the clergy.

"Yes, in fact." the white haired woman replied. Her accent strange and proper. Her unusual hair is tightly curled just below her shoulders in finger waves. "I am searching for a young man stationed in your army."

The clergy laced her fingers in front of her. Assuming this was a wife looking for her missing husband like so many others. She sighed, adjusting a stack of papers to her right. "You'll need to be more clear, ma'am. What is his name, regiment, and relation?"

"He is my son." she replied. "Vali Lokison. I don't know what regiment he is under. It is vital he is found as he was given a very clear mission he is abandoning to fight in your wars. I was given clear instruction by the All-Father Odin to return my son, the prince, home immedielty."

The clergy blinked. "I don't follow. We cannot just pull a soldier straight out of the army during a war for the same reason so many others want to withdraw to have their loved one returned home. That is just not something we can do." she explained.

"Why not?" asked Sigyn.

"All abled boys and men are drafted. It is a requirement by the government in power."

"I am a princess of Asgard. Your planet is under our protection and as far as I am concerned, we are your leading government. And my son, your prince. I demand you tell me where he is."

The clergy sighed again. Then cleared her throat. She sits back in her seat and stands to her feet. She pushed for a nervous smile. "Give me a moment, ma'am." she said.

"Of course." Sigyn smiled, happily. She was finally getting somewhere.

The clergy leaves her desk and enters through a secondary door to the left. Sigyn takes this time to look around the building. A plant is stationed equally at each pillar, all that seemed to be lacking substances as they are withering brown at the leaves. An American flag is loosely hanging on a golden pole behind the desk that is perfectly organised with papers and one large monitor screen, and a phone on the desk.

Sigyn turns slightly to the right. Her maids would have returned with an answer by now, she thinks.

Then she hears the door open and a set of extra heels.

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