Twenty Eight: Let None Put Asunder

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There is an awakening magic each day as the new morning comes like a kept promise. A sense of old spirits rekindling that seek to knit together and sup on the dew. Sigyn rises with the first rays of light peaking over the mountain tops defrosting from the night. Loki. He is her first thought. She lay heart beating imagining waking up next to him. Recalling from memories past, the touch of his skin, the green hue of his eyes, that small smile.

She soon returns to the moment. Birds bring their sweet high notes and the rushing waters ground her. Flowers are in full bloom by the high morning suns and everyone is in high spirits. The nerves of realisation that the wedding is happening today catches up with her. She takes in deep slow breaths. Sigyn slips in her robes and slippers and pulls out her hair. She pulls back the sheer curtains and the bright of day shines brightly on her. Sigyn takes in a deep breath of crisp air.

She puts a hand over her chest. "Be still my beating heart."

There are knocks at her door. The day is still new and it is already beginning. She could leave through her windows and never answer the door to her maidens. (Sigyn's great escape.) It would make for a good story and songs to sing one day.

She beacons for them to enter.

Her three maidens enter her chambers swiftly with a curtsy. "Good morning, Princess." greeted, Helga. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" the three stand shoulder to shoulder with happy smiles on their faces. They had their hair and makeup ready.

"It is." replied Sigyn, with a soft smile. "You have your dresses ready?"

"Yes, princess. We have also drawn you a warm bath."

Sigyn pushed a smile forward. "Sounds perfect."

Then two of the maidens dipped their heads and Sigyn became concerned when she could see their frowns, and one wiped away a tear. "What is wrong?" she comes forward, worried. Anything could have happened. Something to go wrong on the day of her wedding would top the cake with cherries. "Speak your minds." she encouraged.

"We just..." the youngest said, with tears in her eyes that she tries to blink away.

"After you are wed... we will not be your maidens anymore." said the other. "We will be sent back to Vanaheim. And then what purpose will we have?"

"Oh, girls." Sigyn sighed, she embraced a shoulder each in comfort. "Is that what you want?"

"Princess?" Helga asked. "We have been loyal to you since you came of age."

Then Sigyn said without a second thought, "Do you wish to stay here on Asgard, or with me, instead?"

They looked to each other. "We would want nothing more, Princess. We love you, Princess, as your friends and maidens in waiting.We swore an oath to serve you."

"Good then, it is settled." Sigyn clapped her hands together. "I believe we have a full morning of preparations ahead?"

"Yes, Princess. This way."

Sigyn crosses the hall into the bathing chambers where she can already hear her sisters are awake. This chamber is like the others. White marble, pinks and rivers of gold. The arches in this room are larger and taller and the ceilings are curved to mask the murals of people bathing. To the open archways facing the mountain side where the river runs down, is a large round tub erected from the ground with soft drizzles of steam rising from the water. Around the room are naked statues of men and women in their robes.

Sigyn steps out of her slippers and onto the cold marble floor and she commented how cold her feet are. She unties her robes and her maiden helps to take it from her shoulders. There she slips off her night gown and lets it pool around her feet. The crisp morning air hits her bare skin and she takes in a breath stepping out of her gown to be swept away by her maiden.

His Queen | Book 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें