Forty Eight: All Seeing Eye

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Fandral laughed. Amused. "Our dearest friend - Banished. Loki on the throne. Asgard on the brink of war. Yet, you have managed to consume four wild boar, six pheasants, a side of beef, and two casks of ale." He eyed Volstagg across the table, too preoccupied with the food presented in front of him. Fandral wasn't sure he heard a single word.

Volstagg reached for something else to top his already full plate.

"Shame on you!" Fandral cursed. "Don't you care!?" he bellowed, launching across the table and with a swing of his hand. Nicked the golden plates edge and sent it flying. The food goes tumbling across the floor like scattered limbs in a battlefield and the dish clanks loudly as it rolls.

Volstagg's hand slam down on the table and he shot up to his feet. Red cheeked and eyes bulging, he shouted. "Do not mistake my appetite for apathy!" They stood face to face now. Tension high.

"Stop it!" scolded Lady Sif. "Both of you!" she moved to stand between Fandral and Volstagg and separate them like two rams head-butting. "We all know what we have to do. We're just too damned afraid to do it."

From the way, Hogun said. "We must go find Thor." he takes several healing stone from the fire pit and places them into his satchel.

Fandral shrugged and stepped away. "It's treason."

"To hell with treason! It's suicide!" Volstagg corrected, gruffly.

"Thor would do the same for us." Lady Sif says.


"Hush now. Heimdall may be watching." said Volstagg, softly. Then a voice that did not belong to any of them - spoke. Their attention is turned to the chamber doors where eyes of surprise see the Princess - queen - enter the chamber. "As it may." she announced. "Heimdall is not the only one watching."

Lady Sif and the Warriors Three tensed. They came to stand by each other, shoulders firm and chin high. There was no other person as loyal as Sigyn. They each feared how much she had heard of their conversation before revealing herself. The question is; would she really betray them?

"Lady Sigyn." Sif came forward. "Please, allow us to explain. We meant nothing by..." Lady Sif was silenced by a mere hand. Sigyn stopped halfway between them. And she lowered her hand. Hogun and Fandral shared a look.

"You have nothing to explain." Lady Sigyn replied. They are in serious trouble now. "I have no intentions of betraying my friends. Once closest protecters." she looked to Hogun.

"You heard?" asked Sif.

Sigyn's eyes are back on her. "Everything. I had come to explain when I stopped and overhead what you were saying. But I know you had not come to plead for Thor's banishment when you saw it was my husband and I sitting upon the throne instead. I am married to the Trickster. I know his lies best. You had other concerns, yes?"

"Yes, my lady." confessed Sif.

Sigyn crossed her hands in front of her. She bit her lip. "I have my suspicions. What are your concerns? Whatever they may be, I am your queen now. Although it sounds very odd to say such a thing I could never have imagined saying."

"They were about Loki." Fandral did not hesitate to say.

Sigyn's eyes shot to him.

"Please, lady Sigyn. We meant no ill will by that." Sif quickly applied. "We mean no disrespect."

Sigyn turned on her heel softly. Her gown following her and she hugs her wounded side closely. "I had thought so." she paced towards the windows. Her worries are now facts and that makes her stomach sink.

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