Fifty One: Ginnungagap

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The mighty hammer of Thor, mjolnir, is brought up into the air and with a wide swing and the full might of Thor it strikes the rainbow bridge. The iridescent crystal bridge which channels the bifrost energy - cracks. The open portal which is building up force and energy the longer it stays open wavered. However it continued to try and pull everything into the maelstrom.

Thor brings his hammer to the bridge again. And again, and again.

Loki raised his head, eyes shot with watery tears. He had just been pinned down to the bridge by Thor's hammer which laid on his chest and no might could move the weapon until Thor summoned it into his hand.

"What." Loki is astounded by the sight of Thor kneeled over swinging his hammer into the bridge between them and the observatory.

"If you destroy the bridge you'll never see her again!" Loki bellowed over the loud hum of the energy surging into space. The cracks in the bridge kept growing like vines. Loki had to stop his brother or everything would be destroyed. All his plans that he put into place. All for nought.


Loki turns and Vali is barrelling straight for them. He see's the blade in his hands. Loki takes Gungnir in hand and swiftly turns striking the young prince across the torso and sent him off his feet and sliding back on the bridge.

Vali hits the bridge clutching his chest. All air is void of his lungs as he gasps for the sweet relief of breath. (How could he!) he cursed his father, rolling onto his elbows in a cripple attempt to get up. He reached for his blade again, having lost one over the edge of the bridge.

Loki is pouncing across the bridge with long strides.

Thor raised his arm again. Energy seeping out of the damaged bridge.

Loki leaps into the air with Gungnir raised high over Thor's head.

"Forgive me, Jane." Thor brings down the hammer once more. The last blow was all it took and the bent up energy had no where to go except outwards. And that it did. It exploded in an array of colours and raw energy. It sent both brothers hurling into the air. The wave of destruction moved halfway up the bridge as it fell apart.

The ocean below blew apart and the raging waters forced either way. The energy blast moved outwards and it kept growing towards Asgard. It passed over Vali violently shaking the bridge and pushed him further up the bridge. He hurled over and drove his blade into the bridge.

The dome swept away anything loose. The boats on the peer jolted and then the waves crashed them into the shore and the peer. Tree's swept over but not enough to break them. The whole of Asgard, asleep, felt the shock wave as it shook the ground and their houses. Birds took flight and any animal ran for cover. Even the old drunkard was pushed over by the wave.

The observatory rips itself apart. It's very foundation cracking open and falling off the edge. Little by little the turret crashes down and the energy beam is cut off. The stars and surrounding galaxies seemed to be spinning where they shouldn't. Slowly they were pulled into a black abyss. A deep dark void that sucked everything into its hungry mouth.

A black hole had ripped open the fabrics of space itself.

Vali's eyes peer back. "Ginnungagap." he cried.

From the force of the black hole, Thor and Loki are falling towards it now. Both brothers screaming and shouting and flailing like children. They are too far apart and Thor has lost his hammer to fly. He grabs the golden spear which Loki holds and now both brothers fall together at either end. Both now threatened to be pulverised by the energy seeping from the broken bridge as it was gently being coaxed out by the sweet words of the black hole. Chunks of the observatory break away and fly into its ever-growing mouth.

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