Twenty: Destiny

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Dwarves. Monstrous beings. Humble and kind. Terrifying. King Eitri and his brother Brokkr bow before the All-Father. Their sheer size - stumped in stature - they fill half the size of the throne room. Beings so large the sleight movement shook the ground. Voices that boomed like the thunder gods lightning. 

"All-Father, Odin." Greeted King Eitri. A belt of tools around his waist. "We humbly accept your invitation. King Iwaldi, Queen Freya and Queen Frigga." he nodded his head to each of them. "And princesses alike."

"We thank you for making the trip to celebrate with us." smiled Queen Frigga.

"How could we refuse?" replied Brokkr, his small chuckle shaking his chest. He tucks his thumbs into his belt. "Let our horns be filled and never empty!"

There is something surreal as Sigyn stands on the first step directly adjacent to Prince Loki. She is watching the dwarven brothers as they speak nodding along, turning her gaze to each speaker. She stands proper as she was taught from a young age. All her sisters by her side. Forseti standing by his mother memorised by the dwarfs.

It has been said and said again.

The age of war is over. Aesir and Vanir stand together welcoming the realm of Nidavellir into the halls of Asgard. Now empty, only banners and wreaths of flowers are hung ready for the wedding. The gold never shining brighter.

"And in return, my brother and I come with our best tools to repair the Vanir ship." his eyes drift to the prince Loki who scowls.

"You must forgive me." said Odin. "My son, Thor, is on a hunt. He will return shortly to celebrate your arrival." Odin sits on his golden throne, Gungnir in hand. Hugin and Munin sit either side of his throne. Queen Frigga stands at his side, Loki to her left. The Vanir to the right of Odin's throne.

King Iwaldi swiftly swept an arm across his chest, kicking out his cape, and he bowed. "King Eitri. I thank you for your offer." White hair falls over his shoulders. "I do believe as one of the nine realms, we must keep faith in this alliance."

"The age for war is over." says King Eitri. "I congratulate the princess on her engagement. It is a mighty fine time to break bread." then he turns to Odin. "I was hoping you would also forgive our harsh actions on our last visit."

Loki turns his head the other way.

"In return we are offering our services to the Aesir and Vanir in return for protection."

Sigyn turns her head and Loki is already looking across the way. He gives her a smile and she looks away. Straightening her head to focus on the dwarfs at hand. Loki shifts his weight.

"Prince Loki, will you forgive us?"

Loki looked proudly at the dwarf king. "Why should I?" he asked. Sigyn looks back at him.

"You are right." King Eitri said. "We acted rashly out of anger. We want to make peace. I do not ask you forgive us, instead let us be allies shan't you keep your tricks to yourself."

Loki's shoulders lifted with his chin. He gazes upon the dwarfs. "Fine." he says. "We have an agreement... for now."

Frigga whips her head around to send her son a look of warning. "What he means..." she chuckled, her attention turning to the dwarfs. "Is that this is a time of new beginnings. All hatred for one another is left behind in the past. We are here to unite the realms, not break them apart."

King Eitri nodded. "So wise in your years, young Queen Frigga."

"Come!" she throws her hands into the air. "Settle in and relax as not foe, but friend."

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