Twenty Four: Star-Crossed Lovers

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Her hands close her doors shut. Thud. And a shady breaths escapes her. Sigyn dips her head and her hair falls over her shoulders. The silence of her chamber is deafening. She feels her heart pounding against her bones as if it just caught up with the excitement. Or hadn't she noticed before?

She lifts her head and her hands falls away from her door. She turns slowly. Hands are shaking. She brings them into her chest. Now, in the quiet and isolation of her room she realises what her actions are and every possible worst outcome and consequence comes to her mind.

She hears people walking by her doors and she freezes afraid if she breathed they would hear her. She was afraid her brother was going to come for her. Or her mother and father in anger. Then the footsteps fade away.


Sigyn sits at her lounge and takes her chalice chugging the last of it and she reaches for the jug to refill her cup.

There is a knock at her door and the sound hurts her head. "My lady?" a voice said.

"I said I was not to be disturbed!" she said back.

The doors crack open and Sigyn sighed.

"Prince Thor, My Lady." the soldier announced. It's Hogun. Oh no, the entire kingdom knows what happened. Is he here to shame her? No, she can't be seen by anyone, she panics.

"Tell him I don't want to be seen." she firmly said.

"He says it's important." the soldier insisted.

Sigyn rubbed her temple. Maybe Thor is here to tell her the wedding is off?

"Fine, send him in... seeing how persistent you are." she mumbled, waving him off. This is the second time he has tried her door. The soldier stepped back and Thor slips into her chamber nervously shuffling. The door closing behind him. Sigyn does not look at him, but she sips her wine. Maybe he will leave.

"My Lady?" he softly said. "I'm sorry to disturb you. I heard what happened..."

Thor falls silent when she doesn't reply back. What can she say to him? He knew this whole time that she loved Loki and never said anything. He knew about Sigvard and still never said anything. Was he trying to go ahead with the marriage with her?

A mirage of a Vanir maiden turns the corner approaching the guards at Sigyn's door. "You have been relieved of your duties for the night. You may leave." she tells them.

The guards keep their eyes ahead and one replies, "We have strict orders."

"Shall I tell the Queen Freya you are disobeying direct commands?" the maiden shot back.

"Princess Sigyn has commanded us and unless she commands us directly we will not leave our station."

"Honourable." bit the maiden. Thor now turns instead and in a deep voice he said, "I will take this up with the Princess alone. I will deal with your consequences after. Leave us."

"Respectfully, your grace. No."

Sigyn keeps her back to him sipping from her chalice. "My guards will take no orders from anyone else. They are loyal, Thor." she draws out.

Thor clears his throat again, taking a step forward. "I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am for what happened and I'll understand if you hate me forever."

"It was bound to happen and I was a fool to think it would go my way."

When Thor next speaks it is not with his voice. The feeling of his presence changes and it doesn't register to Sigyn at first. "I wanted to give you an early wedding present." Loki's voice said. "Seeing as how we aren't going to be wedded after all."

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