Twenty One: Sæhrímnir

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The battle was great. The thunder god and god of light each searching from the ground and the other from the skies. Mjolnir in hand, the other wielding a sword. A beast so great in size, yet, the gods could not find him. They track him. Following the hooves and broken twigs, they track the boar deep into the mountains. Still no sign of him. Only a trail of devastation.

Thor and Baldur regroup. They joke that the boar is invisible and they laugh. Perhaps it was right in front of them? The trickster god Loki cast a spell to delay their time, and they laugh about it again. Thor swings his hammer and it breaks through the canopy. He cries out for the pig, taunting it by name. It dare not face them? He called. How cowardly. He should not be called a boar, but a chicken.

Sæhrímnir hears this.

The sound of a thousand thundering hooves gains on the two gods, but they don't know which direction it is coming from. They spin and turn. The boar squeals breaking through the trees. Thor flies into the air! Mjolnir coming back to his hand. Baldur drives his sword into the ground and a burst of light blinds the beast enough to deter him from its past.

The beast is so large he looked like two cows put together. His muscles so heavy he sinks as he walks. The pig squeals again turning back for Baldur. And he charges.

Thor flies down from the skies when Sæhrímnir's tusks collides with his hammer. The pig and thunder god bounce off each other. Thor flying to a stop as the boar rolled back onto its feet, flattening a few tress on his ways. Baldur appears swinging his long sword. The edge slices into the boar and he squeals again. Dark red stains his fur. The boar slaps his head and his tusks catches the sword snapping the blade in two.

Thor descends bringing down his hammer. He misses. His hammer creating a hole in the ground and the boar is running. Squealing and crying it drips a trail of blood.

Taking up his broken sword, Baldur and Thor pursue the beast.

Suddenly the boar is charging straight for them at incredible speed. A beast so large he should not be able to move that fast. Head bent down, tusks aimed for them. They get out of the way and the boar breaks down a tree. Disgruntled, the gods take the opportunity. Lighting and thunder crack open the skies and bright light flashes.

The boar is struck down with Baldur's broken sword and Thor's hammer.

That is the story Bragi tells in Midgard. And that is the story Thor and Baldur relate to the Aesir and Vanir.

Thor sweeps his princess into his strong arms and she is lifted into the air. She yelps out as she is spun through the air. In her brief moment in the air she see's all there faces of the people pass as a blur. Their hands reaching out to her. Wide smiles. Her white hair flies around her face catching on her nose and earrings. She feels weightless when her feet left the ground. In a fright of being dropped she keeps a grip on Thor's shoulders, but his hands around her waist give her comfort and reassurance his strength wont drop her.

One the second spin her feet find the ground and she stumbles finding support in Thor's arms. She laughs with him bushing her hair out of her face. "May I present to you, princess. Sæhrímnir, Boar of Asgard."

The boar, dead, slumped in a cart. It's body so large and heavy Sigyn wasn't sure the horses could pull. Surrounded by warriors. It's hooves the size of her hand. Tusks as long as a sword. It's body displayed for all to see. The foul smell hits her first. Smelling strongly of earth, blood, mud wet fur, fecal matter - all fermenting in the sun. Then there where the large flies.

"The battle was great, but nonetheless." said Baldur. "It put up a good fight. Broke my sword too."

"A shame." said Sigyn. Bulging red eyes stared at nothing. It's lower jaw fallen to the side and its tongue has flopped out. "This is a wonderful, but sad, victory."

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