Thirty Five: Hydra

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Her eyes shoot open and she is on her feet. The cot tips over. Bullets spray the tent and Sigyn is forced into the dirt. The sound of roaring engines fills her ears and light as bright as the sun pass through the newly made holes in the tent. There is shouting. Gunfire. Engines roaring.

She looked through the hole crouched on her knees. Gunfire lights up the night and the shadow of men run by her. She can see the enemy trucks and soldiers moving in on their campsite, firing at anything that moved.

Sally is face down in the dirt hiding under her cot holding her hands over her ears, a small pistol in one hand. She signals for Sigyn to hide as well. Sally was bleeding from her arm. She makes her way over to Sally asking if she was badly wounded. Sally shook her head. Sigyn wraps her arm up. Her left hand on the small of Sally's back fettering magic into her without her noticing.

Sigyn swivels on her feet rising up.

"Get down!" Sally says.

Sigyn steps out of the tent. A bullet whizzed by her like a whistle. She turns to the shooter. A hydra soldier with black uniform and a red octopus with a skull on his top. He reloads his next shot. Aims. Fires.

The musket blasts back propelling the bullet at incredible speeds.

The bullet hits its target - only to be deflected.

 The soldier lowered his gun slightly. The helpless little nurse was suddenly adorning black leather and golden chest plate that curved around her upper body with detailed Celtic patterns. Her white hair is braided up into a war braid reaching the lower of her back. Sigyn dusted off her arm guard as if the bullet was a fly and she started toward the soldier.

Reload. Aim. Fire.

She sent the bullet the other way with a loud ping.

Reload. Aim. Fire.

She grabbed the barrel of the gun and raised it to the sky and he fired again. Sigyn twisted the musket from his hand and grabbed his throat with her other. With a heave and a cry she lifted up the man and threw him with ease across the field. She broke the musket over her knee and discarded the pieces.

Two men from the 107th regiment stopped when they see her. Their eyes glued to her, studying her strange clothes and forgetting about the battle ongoing around them. They turned their guns on her.

"I am on your side!" she shouted at them.

A hydra truck slid between them with a powerful roar and holted to a stop. Both men shot dead. As the driver turned his pistol to Sigyn she was already on him. The bottom of her boot connected with his face and a tooth flew loose. She twisted over the open door and ripped the man from his seat, she held him above her and drove a dagger into his stomach.

He gagged on his own blood trying to release himself from her grip. She moved him over the side of the truck and dropped him to bleed out on his own. She twisted the dagger in her hand and threw it. It struck the back of a hydra soldier and he fell face first into the dirt.

Bullets sprayed the side of a truck from a soldier running right toward her. All deflected off her armour and she only had to move her arms in the way a few times. A bullet reflected off her and struck the soldier in the stomach and he fell. She watched and shrugged.

A bright spotlight was shown onto Sigyn and she shielded her eyes. She thought that the gates of Valhalla opened and she someone was coming to take her away. She thought she already died in battle. What a way to live! But no, when she moved her arm she saw three trucks lined up, a light on her, and several guns trained on her.

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