Thirty Seven: Before The Throne

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The hall of Asgard is brimming with her people in celebration. Red banners swing from the ceilings and their cheer roar up into the sky. Life is bustling. The suns are bright and it is a good day. All of Asgard in union to witness the crowning of Prince Thor, heir to the throne of Asgard. This day has been a long time coming for the young prince and the people. A day he has been training for, dreaming for, hoping for.

It has finally arrived.

Thor's companions in battle take to the stage. They stride in through a passage beside the stairs to the throne and take their places there as honoured warriors and friends. "I hope this goes quickly I am famished!" Volstagg slaps his large belly, with a roar of rosy cheeked laughter. He was looking forward to the feast afterwards. This is the main reason he attended today.

By his side is Fandral. Fandral, the consummate swashbuckler, is agile, charismatic, and nattily dressed. "No!" he rolled his pretty eyes, slanting his weight on one foot. It was never a surprise with his friend announced he was hungry every hour of the day.

"Are you attached to that pretty face of yours?" Volstagg shot back. "Because one more word, and you wont be." he threatened.

"My," Fandral chuckled. "aren't we hungry?" he was referring to his friend and his large appetite. The warriors three laugh, and Lady Sif who is with them. They all laugh but for Hogun the Grim. He remains stoic, mace slung by his side. Once a great Kings Guard in the Vanir armies and personal guard to the Princess Sigyn herself. He chose to remain on Asgard and join his friends as a veteran.

Fandral gives his Vanir friend a nudge. "Go on, Hogun." he encouraged. "Smile! You can do it. Even you, Hogun the Grim. Just one smile."

Hogun grimaced.

"All right. Half a smile." Fandral pleaded. "Look, forget the smile just show some teeth."

"Fandral." Sif called. He was immediately alert to her full attention. "Is it true the famous Warriors Three are ready to meet any challenge?" she questioned, looking forward.

"Name it, Lady Sif."

"Keep your mouth shut."

Lurking beneath the stairwell is Princess Sigyn. She carefully approached Queen Frigga standing at the foot of the entrance ascending upwards into the throne room. She can hear the chatter and cheer of the people much louder from here. "My queen." she greeted, coming to stand by her queen mother.

"Sigyn!" Frigga greeted, happily. She extended a hand to her.

Sigyn cups the Queen's hand with both tightly. "I congratulate you on this day." she smiled at her.

"Thank you, my dear." she replied. "Asgard has not gathered like this since the day you were wedded in this very same hall." she looked around, reminiscing that great day. "I must say," she leaned in. "Your wedding was much larger than this." she winked.

Sigyn smiled. "yes, I remember. It was a day to bestow. One we shall never forget. Like today, in hopes, your lineage will continue."

"I have several grandchildren in all shapes and forms. My lineage has continued."

Sigyn laughed. "Thor will eventually have to produce heirs."


"He will have to marry now."

Frigga took in a breath. "Yes he will... it is customary to tradition." she looked at Sigyn. "There was a time, my dear, where I had high hopes you would be queen of Asgard."

Sigyn looked ahead. "That destiny is not for me. I have no desire for the throne or to rule."

"Says every great ruler." recited Queen Frigga. "I had no intentions of marrying or being queen either. I longed for battle and my place in Valhalla. Yet here I am." she smiled, fixing the front of her yellow gown. "Crowning my son as prince heir."

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