Twenty Three: We Are Gods

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Thor and Loki are in silence.

Loki is slumped on Thor's lounges watching his brother pace the room. His elbow rests on his knee, a pillow squashed into his lap and he stares ahead. Neither knowing what to say or how to break the tension. The brothers haven't spoken since dramatically leaving dinner.

Thor sighs and stopped pacing. He turns his back to his brother gazing across the room in deep thought and Loki's brows lift in question to his brother. "Did you know he would do that?" asked Thor.

Loki shakes his head. "No. It wasn't supposed to go that way. I hate him." he seethed.

Thor turns to Loki and replied. "Think reasonably." He began to pace again. "He has foiled both of our plans and in doing so... has ruined everything! We had a plan, brother."

"We did." said Loki.

"You were going to marry the princess instead of me granting me the freedom I want."

"Yes." Loki's face falls into his palm with a great sigh.

"I want nothing more than to swing my hammer into his face!" Thor makes a wild swing of his arm to act out the action he wants to ensue.

Loki chuckled. "Now now, think reasonably. I..." he emphasised. "want to stab him. Multiple times. I'll make it seem like an accident."

"They will know it's you."

Loki sighed, throwing the pillow aside and he gets to his feet. "Then what do you suggest? She won't even let me in to see her. I've tried. Her guards just throw me away."

Thor gives his brother an amusing look. "Give her time. She is very upset."

Loki snorts. Upset. It wasn't the word to describe how she must be feeling. She won't let anyone in to see her. Even he and Thor were turned away by the guards at her door. To save her being upset Loki should just leave Asgard now like he planned if he couldn't marry Sigyn. All this would be meaningless and she can go about her life comfortably.

He was trying so hard to defy The Norns but as it seems now they have all this planned out and it is all a great joke. He should leave and let this heartache end.

"It's all his fault... now father won't listen to reason and we will never be together. The Norns must think this is a joke. They laugh at us! If I ever find a way to their realm..."

Thor gazes at his brother with his head in his hands as Loki steps back and forth between a short space. "There isn't something that head of yours can't conjure?" he suggested. "Another plan? Something?"

He flailed his arms like a child. "Like what, Thor? Pretend to be you forever..." Loki paused, arms mid flail. His eyes seemed to catch something in front of him and they grew wider. His brother looking expectantly. "Perhaps that's what I need to do!" he chirped, his eyes lifting with sudden anticipation.

Thor's features turned to confusion. "What will you do with me forever?" he questioned.

"No, not forever, do you understand? Just be you for a day."

Thor's brows come together and then he smiles. "I see! That is brilliant! Then that way I can also get out of this marriage." he laughed.

"It's brilliant!" Loki chirped, happy, motioning with his hands.

"But how will Sigyn feel?"

"The best part is we don't tell her."

Thor paused. "Why?"

"This just needs to be between the two of us." Loki closes the gap between his brother. "So that it stays a secret and doesn't get out." he whispers, as if someone might be listening.

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