You took a deep breath turning round to your dad again "What do you mean?"

"I was standing right where my future son in law is right now" he pointed towards the direction in which Niall was, you couldn't see him yet, but knew he was there. "I was so nervous about your mum, I thought she wouldn't turn up even though I knew she loved me to death" He chuckled. "What made you calm your nerves?" You asked him.

"Your mum did. I just closed my eyes and thought of all of our happy times together and how many more we had to come and it calmed me down, try it." Your dad said still gripping onto your hand. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes

Niall appeared, and flashes of all the different memories went running through your mind, from the time you first met, the cheesy grin he had on his face. To the time you had shared your first kiss, he took you by surprise when he did that which made it all the more special. To the time you both went to the theme park and were too afraid to go on the scary rides and he promised he wouldn't let any harm come to you. Finally to the time that brought you here today. The time he asked to marry you. It was cheesy and amazing just how you liked it.

You opened your eyes smiling, suddenly all of your nerves vanished away and your dad looked at you smiling knowing it worked.

"Right you ready to do this?" He asked. You nodded your head "Lets go."

Your dad walked out and held his hand out for you to grab onto. You stepped out and heard the music start to play, there were audible gasps from the guests, who were gobsmacked at how beautiful you looked.

Your dad gave you a reassuring smile before linking your arm with his and took you towards the aisle.

You got to the aisle and smiled at how amazing everything looked. There were little lanterns along the pathway of the aisle guiding you to the front. The pathway was stone and then surrounded by tufts of grass, whilst the guests sat on cushioned chairs on the grass.

Finally you looked up. That's when everything seemed to fit into place. He was there, Niall. Looking at you like you were the only person there. He had a wide grin on his face showing that faint little dimple he had. All of your worries went away and you had butterflies, but these were different, they were happy exciting butterflies. You were ready.

His best men, his brother, Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn all gave you a sneaky thumbs up making you laugh a little.

You finally got to him. Your dad kissed the side of your head and gave your arm one last squeeze before he handed you over to Niall and said

"She's all yours now son."

Niall nodded his head in your dad's direction appreciatively and smiled down at you. You bit your lip nervously smiling, Niall chuckled a little before whispering in your ear "You look absolutely beautiful" making you blush.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here today........."

You both had decided to say your own vows to each other. You had just finished yours and were sure that there were a few tears in the audience from the sniffling you could hear. Even Niall looked like he was holding back.

"Y/n our love story, it wasn't the typical clichè one but that's what makes it so special. We have our own story. From the moment I met you I knew there was something special about you, I just couldn't put my finger on it. It took me weeks to figure it out until Louis told me to finally grow a pair and ask you out. (Making everyone in the audience chuckle including you. And Louis hollered.) Anyway that first date was the best of my life. Every time I spend time with you I'm always happy, I could be in the worst mood but I know you can always cheer me up. You light up a room when you're in it and you light up my heart. You're my world y/n. I promise to treat you like a princess for as long as I live. I vow to always keep you happy no matter what, in times of bad and good I'll be right here by your side. I vow to never hurt you and give you everything you deserve and more. Every day I wake up, my love for you seems to grow stronger, which I didn't think was possible. I love you like crazy y/n and I promise to love you till the end of time." He ended.

If there weren't any tears in the room before there sure were now. A tear rolled down your cheek and you smiled, Niall wiped it away kissing your cheek making the crowd 'awwww'

You both exchanged rings

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,"

Niall wasted no time in pulling you in for the most passionate kiss you two had ever shared. The kiss expressed things words couldn't. It was your first kiss you shared as a married couple, the first of many. You both smiled into the kiss whilst you heard the boys wolf whistling and others cheering and throwing confetti in the air. It was the most magical scene to be a part of, one that no one could ever forget.

You both pulled out and looked deep into each other's eyes, his face was still in close proximity to yours. He smiled kissing you quickly again before announcing "Shall we Mrs Horan?"

"Shall we wha......." You were cut off when Niall lifted you up bridal style making you squeal and everyone else chuckle. "Oh my god Niall what are you doing?" You laughed in his arms. "I'm carrying my gorgeous wife." He winked. "Let's go take some pictures." He smiled kissing you.

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now