Chapter 23

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Deku spiraled onto the ground but quickly got up on his feet. He reached for his knives.

"Dammit, Kacchan!" He screamed.

I just smirked at him while we approached him.

He called for his Nomu, but he was too far away to listen to his commands.

"Guess I have to do hand to hand combat..." He says.

Deku isn't very strong, so it'll be much easier without the Nomu.

Kirishima ran over to Deku, his quirk activated.

Kirishima threw a punch at him. Deku side-stepped and touched his arm.

All of a sudden, his quirk deteriorating in a millisecond.

"Dumb move." Deku said as he slashed Kirishima's side with his knife effortlessly.

A white aura emitted from his hand.

"To easy! Maybe you should think before reacting?" Deku said before stabbing Kirishima through his arm and rendering him useless pinned to the ground.

Kirishima screamed in pain as he tried to get the knife out but to no avail.

"Shit! My quirk won't activate... Fuck!" Kirishima yelled, but Momo had her eyes opened.

"My quirk came back when yours disappeared... Which means..."

"He can only do one at a time, kero." Froppy responded.

I looked at my team, and they nodded, knowing what they need to do.

"Three, two, one, go!"

We all rushed towards Deku.

I saw him visibly stiffen up out of fear.

He took out an odd nail thing.

Then I noticed what it was.

"Everyone! Back u-"

I felt the nail piercing through my arm.

"Bakugo!" Jiro shouted.

"I'm fine! Watch out for those nails!" I shouted, clenching my arm as blood seeped out of my wound.

I didn't feel any pain because of the adrenaline rush I have.

I keep running towards Deku.

But, Deku didn't run away.

Instead, he ran toward us with his knives out.

When he got close to Uraraka, she sidestepped to pin him down like how she did to Toga at the training camp.

But, it didn't work on him.

He pulled out a small throwing knife at the last second and plunged it into the side of her stomach.

She grunted in pain.

While Uraraka was stunned, Deku kicked her in the stomach and ran past her.

Deku started to get closer to his Nomu.

Jiro noticed this.

"Don't let him get close to the Nomu!" Jiro shouted.

Suddenly, Momo made an electric blanket and covered all of us in it.

Denki let loose.

He fried all of the villains in the area.

He was still slightly conscious but on the verge of becoming a brain dead idiot.

Deku's arm was seared in electricity and clenched his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows in pain.

"Good, we might be able to take him down!"

"Fuck every single one of you." He said.

We all looked at him and he grinned maniacally at us.

"None of you would ever understand! I was born quirkless, I was bullied, used and harmed every single day of my life! I idolized heroes because I knew I could be better, stand up to my bullies and show them doing that isn't the right way!" He screamed, tears forming in his eyes.

"I wished so much for a hero. I wanted to be saved from my depression, from my thoughts... But no one did. Even when I lost my memories I was still fucked up in the head! I hated it! I wanted to die."

"But now," Deku chuckles. "now I know that heroes won't help every person in need. They won't help bullying, abuse, rape, mental disorders, they don't care. They don't help us. That's why every villain here counted on heroes so much,  only to learn that what we were told was a lie! We learned of the injustice of society! We're here to show the world that heroes will never be counted on!"

"But this isn't the way! You can choose a different path! You can become the hero who helps with those causes, helps those people!" Iida shouted. Deku shook his head, tears pouring now.

"It's too late now. If I'm captured I'd be executed on the spot. The people I've killed, the people I've hurt, the people I've associated with. There's nothing of me left. This is who I am."

I felt angry. I felt angry at myself.

"It's my fault he's ended up like this. It's my fault that he believes in these actions. It's all my fault." I thought. Kirishima put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me.

"It's okay."

"Yeah." I replied back to him, looking down at the ground in guilt.

I knew it wasn't.

Deku, although mouth not visible, he ran toward me.

I tried to get away, but he touched me.

My quirk was eliminated.

Tsu came in and whipped him away with her tongue.

That's when it got crazy.

Toga, almost like she was flying came spinning through the air with her knives flailing through the air.

"Everyone, back up!" Sero shouted and all of us moved away.

Dabi, Toga, Tomura, Kurogiri, Spinner, every villain you could imagine surrounded us.

Students lay on the floor, unconscious and injured.

Some might of even been on the verge of death.

"You really can't go by yourself huh, Night Silence?" Dabi said to him.

"Tch, shut the fuck up." Deku said taking off his tie and jacket over his white shirt.

Dabi smirked.

"Oi, Kurogiri, get the Nomu." All of a sudden the Nomu teleported away and popped out near Deku, who climbed back onto it.

"Who should we kill first? I can't wait to get a lot of blood today!~" Toga said jumping up and down.

"Relax, Toga. Now, heroes, how about we make a compromise?" Tomura said, pushing Toga back who sighed cutely.

"Compromise my butt! We'll never bow down to you!" Hagakure shouted at them.

"You can get your ass away from here if anything!" Tokoyami said with a stern expression.

"I guess compromises really can't be made with these dimwits. They're to corrupted by their ideals. Let's-" A gunshot sounded through the air as bullet flew to Dabi as Kurogiri blocked it.

"Don't worry kids, I am here!" A familiar voice rang out along with a bunch more shadows and people approached.

"Here it is, the final boss!" Tomura cackled while smiling evilly.

All of the pros had arrived.


Chapters left: 1


Original Upload: July 20th, 2018

But I Couldn't |BNHA/MHA|BakuDeku|Villain(?)/Mute AU| (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now