Chapter 19

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The day was full of laughter, sort of.

My vocal implant only lasts for 5 hours, and school lasts for 7, with the added time that I turned on my implant when I woke up and I got ready within the span of an hour, so I had to go mute during 4th period and the entire day until I charged it.

I used sign language and wrote on my communications notebook.

I smiled the entire day, and my cheekbones hurt. But I didn't care, I was happy.

But, this was just 2-A. The entire school doesn't think well of me.

So during lunch, I was really scared to go to the cafeteria and get food.

Luckily some of the class 2-A members, specifically Kacchan, Uraraka, Todoroki, Momo, Mina, Tsuyu, Kirishima and Kaminari.

Luckily, Momo is basically fluent in sign language.

The gifts of being rich.

So most of the time, I just signed to Momo and she translated to the others.

So when we came to the cafeteria, Momo helped me order.

The black bandana made it obvious I was disabled in some form.

I signed to Momo and Todoroki (who helped a bit) and they helped translate to the woman serving food.

I got a delicious bowl of ramen.

"Ramen? I thought you would get something more extravagant on the menu." Uraraka said, eating her pork cutlet bowl.

I wrote down in my communications notebook to her since my "translators" were enjoying their food and I didn't want to disturb them.

"I would, but I mean, ramen is pretty good. Junkie stuff is nice once in a while, but it really isn't junkie because it's pretty high quality." I wrote to her. She just sighed.

"Is that so? Well, guess I can't criticize when I'm eating a pork cutlet bowl. Meanwhile, those two over there have no problem sipping on their tea and eating soba noodles." Uraraka tease.

"Soba is delicious. Don't you dare talk bad about it." Todoroki said and went back to slurping his noodles. Momo stayed silent, it was obvious that she wanted to say something, but didn't.

"Hey, Bakugo! What did you get for lunch?" Kirishima asked.

"Oh, I'm just eating miso and rice." Kacchan said.

"Ahhh, you typical Asian."

"What do you mean by a typical Asian? You're eating ramen!" He complains.

"It isn't the same! Ramen is more refined you peasant!" I wrote down angrily and shoved it in his face.

"I swear, the next time we're in a training session and it's a 1v1 battle, you're going down..." He says, clenching his fists.

"Now, now! Calm down Bakugo..." Kaminari said. Bakugo stuck his tongue out like a child and I did the same.

"You guys are such children for being highschoolers..." Mina said shrugging and ate some jello that was given with her meal.

"This happened a lot during our first year, arguments that explained our bond, kero. You guys must be really close to each other." Tsuyu explained. I just scratched my head.

"Yeah...I guess you're right."

As we were eating, I could feel stares on me. But this time they were actually there, looking at me.

My bandana was a clear shot at saying "Hey! I'm the dude who massacred hundreds of people! I'm in your school now, bully me!"

I clenched my teeth and ground them.

"How exactly did they think giving me a bandana and showing it off to the world would improve my situation?"

"Izuku, please ignore the stares. They're just wary of you." Momo said.

I signed back saying "It's not as easy as it looks, but thanks Momo. I'll try." She just smiled and continued eating.

After we were done, we had a run in.

A run-in with 1-B. Kendo, Monoma, and Tetsutetsu.

"Is this the infamous Silent Night?" Monoma said, trying to interrogate me, I scooted behind Kacchan.

"Cut it out you bastard, his name is Midoriya Izuku." Kirishima said, putting his hand out to protect me.

"But, he's still a villain. Why should he be given a normal name? He isn't normal! He's-" Suddenly he's hit in the back of the head by Kendo.

"Damn, you really need to chill. Anyways, sorry about the inconvenience about this dude. He's just really rude. Nice to meet you, Midoriya-kun." Kendo said, holding out her hand for a handshake.

I took it warily.

"Anyways, hopefully, I'll see you guys later!" She said, and we waved bye.

As we continued walking back to class, Momo translated about how the disabled or those who don't have something necessary needs a black bandana to tell the world they aren't normal.

"Well, to be honest, it's done like that because it's to make awareness to be open-minded about the people who may have some problems, kero. Like how you can't speak, we need to be open-minded, kero." Tsuyu says.

"Most of us thought it was weird at first, but we understood why. They're doing it to try and help you. To make other people approach you. Don't be scared." Mina said rubbing my shoulder.

"Yeah! And if they try to ridicule you, don't pay attention to those slobs! They don't deserve your friendship!" Kaminari said. I felt very happy when he said that.

Class ended after that, I answered questions with sign language and an interpreter came with me.

After class Kacchan had to do something, so I started to go home.

By myself.

This time, people weren't so nice like when I was walking with Kacchan.

"Why the fuck are you here, villain?

"Get out! You're terrorizing the entire school."

I wanted to cuss them out, or at least try to, but I couldn't talk.

Someone pushed me onto the ground.

"You don't belong here. You know that, don't you? If so, then why did you come here." They kicked me.

This reminds me.

This reminds me of how I was treated back with the villains, and how I was treated my entire life.

I hated it. These "heroes" were no better than the people who tortured me.

Like Shigaraki.

I was pissed. I was being looked down on again because I was weak, different, and odd.

So, I stood up and threw a punch at the nearest person.


Don't get triggered that I said that because I'm also Asian lmao. Korean to be exact.


Original Upload: April 22nd, 2018

But I Couldn't |BNHA/MHA|BakuDeku|Villain(?)/Mute AU| (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now