Chapter 22

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As I ran toward Toga, who had open arms, I felt a bullet racing toward me.

Kurogiri surrounded me with his portal before it hit me.

"T-Thanks!" I said, walking over to Toga who held me close.

"No problem." He said.

"So, you finally figured out who you are, hm?~" She said to me, ruffling my hair.

"Yeah, a villain." I said.

"Dammit! You tricked us Izuku!" Mineta said.

"I never tricked you! I wasn't a spy! But, what happened here made me change my mind... I'm never going to be a hero! With your selfish antics and distrust! You don't understand any of us standing here! Why we're fighting!" I yelled.

"We're fighting because you heroes failed to save us when we needed it most!" I said.

"Calm down, Night Silence." Tomura said. "That quirk of yours is pretty useful, but I lied about some of the abilities." He said.


"Your quirk, it can only take away a persons quirk for around 5 minutes or 1 minute, it depends on how powerful it is, the weaker it is, the more time it has. You can't destroy the quirk if it's too strong or has been advanced. You also can't store quirks, I lied about that. The vial only gave you that power for around 3 days. You can only steal a quirk one at a time, so choose wisely. You also have to touch them." Tomura said, cracking his knuckles.

I nodded.

"Put on your signature facemask and go, kid. Your name is Night Silence, right?" He asked me. I smirked as he gave me a belt full of throwing knives and 2 regular knives.

"Let's go, League of Villains!" He exclaimed.

I ran toward one of the heroes and launched a throwing knife at them.

I missed.

I cursed as the hero looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Sorry kiddo! This is the end of the line for you!" He screamed, his voice was blowing out my eardrums.

I quickly covered my ears and he rammed me.

I took a closer look at him as I held him back with my weak arms.

"... Present Mic..." I whispered.

"What are his weaknesses? His strengths?"

He can't scream if he's concentrated like this?

"Only if I had a Nomu or someone stringer taking care of him! I'm too weak!"

Suddenly another villain came up behind Present Mic and punched him to the side.

The villain quickly ran away.

"I need something to fight with... I'm not strong with close combat!" I said running from the ongoing battle.

Suddenly a growling Nomu appeared right in front of me.

It looked familiar.

"...Okina?" I screeched in conformation.

I screamed in delight.

I ran to it and hugged it.

"How? I thought you were dead!" I asked it.

"He was never dead, just paralyzed." Tomura said, killing a hero by disintegrating their throat.

I just smiled at him as I climbed onto Okina's saddle.

My body slightly sunk into him like usual to secure me.

I saw through his eyes as we flew to the center of the battlefield.

Where Class 1-A stood.

"Heyo~! Sorry to invade on your party, but I figured out that life doesn't wait for you." I said, as Okina rose his fist and aimed it toward Iida.

"Midoriya! You can still come back to us! You can still be a hero!" Iida said.



"What bullcrap are you spewing out of your mouth? Go back? Be a hero? No, I'm not a hero, nor am I a villain. I am my own person. I get to perceive what is right and wrong, and what is wrong is you." I tell all of them, hatred seething in my voice.

"Izu-chan..." Uraraka said.

"I've hated being called weak, useless, a letdown, defenseless. Constant abuse, name calling, being hated, it isn't right. But, it's better to be hated than feared, right?"

Bakugo's POV

What bullshit is he saying? What is he thinking?

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Deku! You know fucking well that this isn't you!" I told him. He glared at me and yelled.

"How do you know how I am? You made me into this...this thing! It's your fault!" But then, he started chuckling.

"No...It isn't only your fault, it's his fault. All Might, Mr. Number One hero. He told me when I asked him that I could never be a hero..."

"But you still can! You have a chance, Midoriya! You can still be one! You'll be a hero if you just come with us!" Momo said, reaching out her hand.

Deku stopped, and then reached out his hand to Momo, but then something happened.

A small light appeared in his hand, and Momo gasped.

"I-I can't...What is this?" She said, fumbling around and concentrating.

"My...My quirk! It's gone!" Momo said. Izuku smiled.

"That's...That's the quirk he's received?" Denki asked, his electricity sparking up more.

Izuku stayed silent.

He attacked again, and he clenched his teeth when we evaded them.

I could see the anger and fear in his eye.

Everyone was trying to avoid the swift punches as more villains began to arrive and gang up on us.

Once we regrouped, I remembered.

I remembered the first time Izuku was attached to the Nomu.

"Guys! If we pull Deku off the Nomu, the Nomu doesn't listen to commands and Deku is left defenseless!" I tell them.

"But how are we gonna take him off the Nomu? The Nomu is hella strong!" Mineta said, blood running down his face from plucking off the balls on his hair.

"We need to distract them. Uraraka, Iida, Mineta, Sero and Hagakure, you're on distraction duty. Everyone else has to try and pull Deku off or fight off the other villains!" I said. The class nodded in agreement with my plan.

And we enacted our plan.

Mineta began pulling off his hair and throwing them rapidly as he cried from the blood pouring down his face.

Uraraka began to float nearby rubble and began launching it toward Deku and the Nomu.

Iida ran circles while Sero tried to encircle it with tape.

Deku clearly looked annoyed and pissed off at this.

Then, we struck.

I blasted my way toward Deku but he noticed me and slapped me to the side.

Then, Todoroki came on with a burst of flames.

I took the chance.

I pulled Deku off.


Number of Chapters Left: 2


Original Upload: May 27th, 2018

But I Couldn't |BNHA/MHA|BakuDeku|Villain(?)/Mute AU| (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora