✿Chapter 2✿

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Pain. All I felt was overwhelming amounts of pain and shock as the Nomu slipped through the portal and shoved me out onto the other side.

I couldn't believe this was happening, the entire incident still fresh in my mind. There were so many bodies, there was so much death.

I looked around my surroundings through blurry eyes. My glasses hadn't fallen off throughout the whole scenario at some point, and I wasn't sure how they were still sitting on my face. Magic, probably. Some dark magic.

It looked as if I was in a bar of some sort, a winery maybe. Wine glasses, shot glasses, and everything in between lined the bar with ripped up and frayed stools. Different types of alcohol were on the shelves and I didn't recognize the names of a lot of them.

I tried to pull off of the Nomu, yanking my arms free and letting out a groan as I actually plopped off of it, make a slight yelp as I hit the ground ass-first.

I was freed from the stupid Nomu and I stood up, dusting myself off as best as I could. Blood was still covering my clothes and it dripped onto the floor beneath.

Footsteps. Footsteps that are painstakingly slow, the world around me slowing down as I turned my head to the person making noise. It was loud, more like stomping instead of steps.

I turned my head over to the direction of the sound, shaggy hair that fell to the man's shoulder with ragged and clothes that were a bit too baggy.

"Shigaraki Tomura..." I said lowly, glaring into his eyes and he peered down at me like I was nothing. Like I wasn't even worth a single yen.

"I told you what would happen, and yet you did exactly what I told you not to. You're a rebellious teenager with nothing to live for, so why would you care?" Shigaraki said, crouching down onto the floor and squeezing my face, my cheeks pressing against my bones and contorting. "It's because of the fact that you think too much yet at the same time not care for your safety. You're okay with killing yourself for the sake of the world, but your mind immediately goes to the consequences that your death would have on other people."

I was on the verge of biting his finger off, just straight up gnawing on it and hoping he gets an infection from it but I knew what would happen if I did that. When that thought came, I knew what he meant.

"What would happen if you didn't think at all?" Shigaraki asked me. I grit my teeth together. "What if you let your desires come to fruition without the years of societal pressure on you? You'd be a ticking timebomb waiting to explode."

I continued to say nothing. Shigaraki chuckled, using his loose hand to scratch incessantly at his neck.

"Well, it won't matter anyway. You may have escaped the clutches of the outside world, but you're in our territory now," Shigaraki said, looking down at me as if I were a bug. I heard more footsteps behind me, my blood pressure rising. I tried to move my head but Shigaraki kept a fierce grip on me.

"Your life is ours now."


My head... It's killing me. It was a throbbing, aching feeling. It was similar to that of a headache but there was something off about it entirely.

My eyes were slumped down on my face, red from blood and all of the panicked crying from watching dead bodies drop to the floor faster than a rave party.

But I Couldn't |BNHA/MHA|BakuDeku|Villain(?)/Mute AU| (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now