Chapter 17

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"Put your gun down, Deku." I heard.

A figure popped out of the bushes.

It was Bakugo.

He was dressed in black from head to toe, with his red eyes and ash blonde hair standing out.

I still aimed my gun at him, I was wary.

Wary that he would take me back to that place, or worse.

Kill me.

"Chill your ass out, I wasn't even assigned to come and hunt you down. Can...I sit next to you?" He asked.

I gritted my teeth and thought.

"Might as well, if he tries pulling a move on me I can always shoot him."

I agreed that he could come over, but I kept my gun close.

He sat down next to me, sighing.

"Why are you running in the first place? Didn't they send you out to have some free time, why would you complain?" Bakugo questioned.

"I'm complaining because it's a prison. They don't even treat me like a person anymore. Guess it's what I deserve."

Bakugo kept his eyes on me and we heard shouts and footsteps from far away.

They were probably searching the forest.

I got up to get moving, but an excruciating pain ran up my leg and Bakugo caught me.

"You can rest for a little more before going, you know it's a pretty big forest, it'll be a while 'til they find you." He said, setting me back up against the tree.

I gritted my teeth, and I followed his word.

We leaned against the tree together, the warm sun shining down on us.

I saw some animals in the distance, revealing that winter was no more, and spring was moving in.

I yawned, and I ended up falling asleep.

Bakugo's POV

Dude just passed out and is now laying his head onto my shoulder.

I felt bad.

I hated that I hurt him, I was an idiot.

Hatred and love can become fine lines if you aren't careful.

I hated him with a passion because he was strong.

Stronger than anyone else. Even though you were this quirkless loser with no point in living, you still fought.

Until something fucked you up pretty badly.

I don't know what happened to you, or how you became like this, but I will help you through this.

I promise.

The footsteps of the police and heroes became louder, and I saw a bunch of guns being pointed at me.

"Don't move! You're under arres- Bakugo Katsuki?" They questioned.

I threw up a peace sign at then asked. "Yo, what's happenin'?"

"Why are you with Izuku?" Todoroki asked me and facepalmed. I smirked.

"I was taking a walk in the forest and found him lying against a tree. He told me some things that could be important." I said to them, telling the truth.

"And exactly what did he say?" An officer questioned.

"Is that you don't treat him as a human. At least give him some education, more books, a different scenery. He ran away because he felt like he was in hell. He's just tired, he wants a break." I said to them.

"Besides...It's my fault he's like this."

They looked at him.

"If we enrolled him at school, kids won't like him, his depression could get worse." Todoroki said.

"Dumbass, put him in our class. If anything, he trusts Uraraka, I mean, he's her precious 'Izu-chan'."

"That could work, but it has to be approved you know." Todoroki said, I smiled.

"I'll make sure of that." I picked up the sleeping Deku and carried him piggyback style.

I also took the gun he had and handed it to a policeman.

"Oh, is Kamui okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, he heals pretty fast, but it still hurts like hell."

Everyone stalked out of the woods, and I went into a police car to drive Deku back... "home".

Izuku's POV

When I woke up, I was in a familiar place. My room, my captive room.

But something seemed different. New books, more colors, a tv, figurines, a writing desk, a backpack, a whole closet filled with clothes and most importantly, a free will to open my windows.

"Is...This a dream?" I thought

"No, it isn't. My guess is that you're probably asking if this is real, but hey I could be wrong." Someone stated opening the door to my new bedroom. It was Bakugo.

How coincidental that he found me in the forest and now he is in my "bedroom".

"You little fucker. Why am I back here, huh?" I wrote down on a whiteboard nearby me and showed it to him.

"Well first off, you should be thanking me. I told them to give you free will, You aren't gonna hurt anyone unless you feel threatened." He said, which was true. Hurting people wasn't my thing.

"And also, you got this now." He walked over to me and touched my neck.

"W-What are you doing..... What the f-fuck." I said.

I spoke. I spoke? I SPOKE.

I started having a panic attack. I thought I couldn't talk anymore. Am I insane?

"Calm down! Look, I spent my hard earned cash and plus the teachers and some of your classmates at UA pitched in to get you this. It makes it so you can speak, although you can't use it while you're asleep or when it gets too hot." He says.

"That's really cool... I don't know h-how long it's been s-since I spoke so my voice is kind of m-messed u-up.." I stuttered.

"Therapy sessions are on the way for you." He said.

I just looked at him and narrowed my eyes.

"What's the catch? W-What happened, why did you d-do this?"

"Simple. Because I'm sorry, and you know that. I know you can't hold grudges for a really long time, also, because I want you to get better. To be supported." He told me. It was true though.

I'm holding onto this grudge when I know it won't last forever.

I then realized that I didn't hate him. I hated myself for not being strong enough to stand up for myself.

"Do you accept my apology?" He asks me, putting out his arm for a handshake and I just smiled.

He was making it so that I was strong, he was supporting me now and giving me strength.

He changed.

And I accepted his apology

"I missed you, Kacchan."


Original Upload: April 15th, 2018

But I Couldn't |BNHA/MHA|BakuDeku|Villain(?)/Mute AU| (Book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن