Who said girls can't get down and dirty with boys 23: Part 1

Start from the beginning

*~*~* Tyler's P.O.V. *~*~*

I was watching Nic as she sprinted across the court to beautifully intercept the ball.

Gosh, I want her so badly it hurts.

"TY!" I heard her musical voice yell, tearing me from my thoughts, seconds before I saw the ball. I knew it was useless, but I still tried to raise my arms to stop the ball.

Next thing I know, I was lying on my back and my face felt like it had been smashed in. I tried to sit up, only to be gently pushed back down by Nic. I looked up into her gorgeous face, to see worry spreading over her beautiful features.

I heard the bleachers clank as someone came down them. Seconds later I felt someone's pounding steps coming closer. Suddenly Nic's angelic face was gone, replaced by Heather's demonic one.

Oh, god, why couldn't I control my dick, I thought in despair. Now I've lost Nic forever.

I tried to get up, only to have Heather slam me back on to the ground, causing me head to bounce off the floor. I winced in pain as the back of my head touched to the ground again, thinking about how gentle Nic's touch had been.

*~*~* Nicole's P.O.V. *~*~*

I was kneeling next to Ty, trying to see if he was ok, when I felt pounding footsteps coming closer. I disregarded them, until someone came and shoved me away from Ty. What the heck?

I looked up to see Heather, kneeling next to him now. He tried to get up, only to have Heather roughly push him back into the ground. When his head hit the ground I cringed.

"What the hell, Heather?" I asked, majorly pissed off.

"Stay away from my boyfriend, slut." She hissed.

"Wait. Boyfriend? Slut?" I asked, my anger bubbling to the surface.

"That's right. My boyfriend and I'll be damned if I let a slut like you steal him away." She said, louder this time, causing the team to form a circle around us.

"Call me a slut one more time." I said quietly, letting her feel the full force of my anger. A million questions were flooding my mind, and I didn't have an answer to any of them. Why would Ty lie and say he had broken up with her? Why would he ask me to meet him in the gym? Maybe this was all a set up? Damn it and I thought he was better than this.

"SLUT!" Heather yelled, dragging out the word. That's it. I slowly stood up, ignoring the protest from my leg. She followed my lead and got to her feet, her 4 inch stilettos making her as tall as me.

"You asked for it." I said in a low venomous voice. Heather's eyes widened in fear for a second, before she could mask it.

I took a step forward and she stumbled back. I moved so that I was right in front of her, before raising my hand to hit her. My fist was almost to her face, when a strong hand caught my forearm. I looked back and saw Dev standing behind me, Cal not far behind.

"Don't Nic. She's not worth it." He said, slowly lowering my hand.

"Did you hear what she said?" I asked, my anger starting to recede.

"I'm pretty sure the whole school heard, but that's beside the point. You and I both know that you're not a slut, so what does it matter what the whore says?" He asked, trying to appease me. I heaved a big sigh, before giving up on the idea of actually punching her.

"Dev you can let go of my hand now. I promise not to hit her." I said, trying to shake his hand off.

"Ok." He said skeptically.

I turned to Heather. "Stay away from me. Next time Devin might not be there to save you." I said threateningly.

"Whatever." She said and practically ran for the door.

"How the hell does she do that?" I wondered out loud. I mean, seriously. How do you run in 4 inch heels? I can't even run in flats!

Dev chuckled, bringing my attention back to him. "Thank you." I said, giving him a hug.

"You're welcome Nicky." He said, wrapping his arms around me. I felt safe and calm in Dev's arms. It was and would always be one of my safe havens.

"Can we get back to practice?" Coach asked sarcastically.

"Sure Coach." I said, waving her off.

Ty slowly got up off the floor and took his place as center. I went to guard Cal, like I did last time, when my leg suddenly went numb. I tried to move it, but it wouldn't move. Oh crap!

"Wait Coach." I shouted.

"What now?" She asked impatiently.

"I can't move or feel my leg."

"What do you mean you can't feel you leg?" She asked perplexed.

"Exactly what it sounds like." I retorted fear making me short tempered.

"Come here." She said, walking to a bench.

"Umm... What part of 'I can't move my leg' did you not understand?" I asked, my temper getting the best of me.

"Somebody help her." Coach snapped. Next thing I knew I was in Cal's arms.


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