Kim Seokjin

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     "Oh my god! You're actually married! Holy shit, I thought it was really a joke." I groan, eyeing Jimin's ring jealously.
      He smiles widely, nodding. "I'm sure you guys will get married soon." He teases but I know he's sincere.
      Sighing, I plop down on the couch and rub my belly, eyeing Jimin's larger stomach. He's so damn short it all just accumulated in his middle. Unfortunately all my weight gain spreads out and just makes me look plump and fat. I hate it. I won't let Namjoon's hands anywhere near me either. He doesn't need to feel all my fluffiness.
Ugh. I glance over at Hoseok to see him focusing on some documents on his laptop. "You fucking look like Yoongi right now." I tease. "What are you doing?"
He rolls his eyes. "I'm just...researching some things." He winks.
Jimin and I exchange a look. "So how are you surviving a pregnant Yoongi?" Jimin smirks.
He groans. "He's awful! All he does is sleep and bitch. And sleep some more. And bitch about food! I don't have time breath. He still forces himself into the studio even though it's taking a lot out of him but he won't listen to me." He gripes.
"Wow, he's working really hard." I muse.
He nods. "I'm worried he's working himself too hard. I'm afraid he might lose the baby but he won't slow down at all." He pouts.
Jimin excuses himself to the kitchen while Hoseok and I continue to chat and pay little attention to the movie on the screen.
About five minutes in, a scream echoes through the house. Jumping up, we run to Jimin only to see him crying and gripping a cup, water spilled all over the floor.
"What happened, are you okay?" I run over to his side and take the cup form him. His pants are soaked. "We'll clean it up."
He shakes his head, looking a little out of it. "M-my water broke." He whispers.
Our eyes widen as the full situation hits us hard.
"Oh shit!" Hoseok runs for the keys and I help Jimin gather all his things for the hospital. He moans in pain as we help him into the backseat. I sit back with him while Hoseok drives.
      Grabbing my phone with shaky hands, I call Namjoon knowing he's with Taehyung.
      "Hey babe. Everything okay?" His soothing voice comes through.
      "Jimin's water broke! We're taking him to the hospital now." I grunt as Jimin squeezes my hand hard.
      "Oh my god! Okay. We'll be there soon, okay. I love you." He hangs up and I feel tears well up at the pain my friend is in. A little paranoid about going through the same thing.
      Jimin scream for Taehyung and I let him know he's coming. As soon as we reach the hospital, he's rushed into the labor and delivery department and we're forced to wait in the waiting room. Namjoon, Yoongi and Taehyung arrive ten minutes later looking anxious and freaked out.
       Taehyung leaves us for Jimin's side and I cuddle into Namjoon's side. I notice Yoongi pull Hoseok into his arms as well and smile. Their relationship is ridiculously funny for some reason. Both so different yet still so affectionate in their own way.
      "You okay?" Joonie hugs me tight, his hands slipping under my shirt to hold our growing baby.
      I take a deep breath. "I'm scared. It was really scary, Joon-ah." I admit. "I don't want to do this."
       He kisses my cheek, resting his head on my shoulder. "Everything will be fine, sweetheart. You have me. Always." He whispers.
      I nod. "I know. I love you."

     Five hours later, after a difficult C section, Kim Taemin is born. His tiny body clings to Jimin as he tiredly smiles at us from the bed.
      Cooing, I steal the baby and hold him close, wondering what my baby will look like. The tiny boy is passed around and given a lot of love. I catch a look in Yoongi's eyes as he holds him. Awe, maybe? His free hand falls to his stomach and I smile. I think he'll make a great father.
        "Thank you so much for being here for me." Jimin yawns as Tae takes Jay. Rocking him to sleep with a fresh bottle. Beaming like every proud appa. So cute.
       "Of course! We wouldn't be anywhere else."
       Jimin blushes, biting his lip. "I've never had a family before. Just Taehyung. Thank you guys for becoming my family."
       Tears fill my eyes. "We have the best family in the world." I agree, squeezing his hand.
      Hoseok steps forward, clearing his throat. Yoongi tucked at his side with a gentle smile. "I have some news."
      We all turn to look at him, surprised. He beams. "You know that research I've been working on? Well, actually it was properties. Yoongi and I have decided to move."
       I glance at Namjoon to see him just as surprised as me. "Where to? Is it far?" He asks.
       Hoseok laughs. "Actually it is just out of the city about twenty minutes from the new studio." He glances at Yoongi who nods. "It has tons of space and...six rooms. We want you guys to move in with us! We'll all have plenty of space and our kids can grow up together! What do you think?" He looks at us nervously.
      I gape, Jimin gasping up at Tae. "Are you serious?" He asks, glancing down at his sleeping baby.
      They nod. "Yes. Please move in with us. With how good the studio is taking off we can more than afford it. We can all take time to focus on the kids and our family." Yoongi smiles, kissing Hoseok's cheek.
      "Oh my god! This is...this is amazing!" I'll get to play with the baby everyday as well as hang out with my friends! I look up at my boyfriend hopefully.
      He smiles back at me. "Of course we're in! We'd love to!" He says and I squeal happily, jumping up and down on excitement.
       Tae kisses his husband's forehead. "Yes. We will definitely move in." Jimin nods in agreement.
      "Great! We should be able to move on everything next week!"
Wow. How can life get any better? This is all like a dream come true.

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