Park Jimin

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      "I look stupid!" I whine, twisting this way and that as I try to figure out the best ensemble for the party. Work this week was hard and every spare second free has been spent on fixing up our house but totally worth it.
       It's beginning to look like our actual home. I've secretly been looking forward to this party all week. I know Tae hates parties but I think we both could unwind and get a break. Hoseok and Yoongi have been good friends to us for years now and it'd be rude to ignore their invitations.
        Despite the fact I'm scared out of my mind of Min Yoongi. He's just so...I don't even know. much more. He's so grouchy and goes off from the smallest things. I have no idea how the hell Hoseok managed to reel him in. It's a mystery I'll never understand. They are just too opposite. It's weird.
         "You look fine! Stop complaining when you know you look amazing! No one will be able to keep their eyes off you." Tae reassures me as he exits his room across fro mine and peaks in.
       I can't deny how stunning he looks as well. Dressed in a dark blue silk shirt with tight black pants...all the girls will be drooling over him. His ashy grey hair stylishly falls around to frame his pale face in just the perfect way to accentuate his perfectly symmetrical features.
       I tug a black beenie over my bright orange hair and pull nervously at my white button down and ripped jeans. The differences between us are quite astounding. From our height to our features to our different but somehow works together perfectly.

      I hide behind Tae's taller frame as we enter the darkly lit space that is Hoseok and Yoongi's home. Tons of drunken people already dance around the room, making out in dark corners while others argue loudly. The environment makes me anxious but I don't want to chicken out since Tae spent so much time and effort coming for me.
       We find Hoseok servings drinks while Yoongi DJs the music pumping through the speakers. How they afford this place is a mystery. I know Yoongi makes a good living as a producer but not too much. I know Hoseok has a secret online shopping addiction.
       He says he hides it from Yoongi but I'm 99.9% sure he knows about it since he bitches about his bank statements all the time. They like to come to me and bitch about each other because I'm a great listener and will never spill the beans.
       Tae leans down to speak in my ear and his hot breath makes me shiver. "Want a drink?" He knows I have a low tolerance.
        I bite my lip, fidgeting nervously. "Y-Yeah. Please." Maybe it'll help me loosen up and feel more comfortable.
        He smiles, squeezing my shoulder, before leaving me alone in the corner to find Hoseok. I jump when a girl slides up beside me, obviously wasted.
       I frown and try to untangle my arm from hers as she whispers vulgar things in my ear, smelling heavily of beer. Nausea builds in my stomach as I push away from her. I trip over a stray cord on the ground and, luckily feel myself fall into someone, miss smashing my face into the floor.
       Looking up, I see Tae staring at me in concern. "Jeeze, Minie. You okay? You haven't even taken a sip yet and you're already stumbling all over the place." He teases.
       Feeling defensive, I cross my arms, huffing. "Shut up! I tripped over the stupid cord!"
        He chuckles and helps me steady myself before handing me the glass. I eye it curiously.
        "It's just rum and coke. Nothing too bad because I know your sensitive." He raises his brows suggestively and I smack his arm, irritated.
"Whatever! Like you are any better! Your tolerance is only a little better than mine!" I pout, downing my drink and trying to ignore the burn as it goes down my throat.
He scoffs but doesn't deny it as he chugs his drink down with a wide boxy smile. "Chill. Loosen up and enjoy the party, Minie. We're young and should be having fun!" He sighs, squeezing me one last time before Hoseok comes and steals him away.

I stumble up the stairs hazily, pushing passed drunk and stoned people milling around as I gulp down the last of my fourth or fifth cup of...whatever.
I crash against the wall as a wave of dizziness hits me so intense I nearly collapse onto the floor in a drunken heap. Giggling to myself, I heave my tired body up the rest of the stairs and sway towards the guest bedrooms, needing a good nap.
Groaning, I fall onto the bed face first and feel my body relax against the soft sheets, smothering my face in the comfy pillows. I think I can hear someone calling my name but I ignore it, opting to fall into a much needed rest instead.
"...Jimin!" Tae's voice drifts from downstairs but I can't open my eyes let alone stumble outside the room.
The last thing I remember is Tae's comforting warmth enclosing around me and his deep voice killing me into dark sensuous dreams.

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