Kim Taehyung

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"Are you listening to me?!"
I glance up sharply to see my best friend, Park Jimin, scowling at me, annoyed.
I smile and sip my vanilla milkshake, guiltily. "Sorry, What?"
He huffs. "What the hell, Tae! I've been talking for like five minutes straight and you haven't been paying attention at all?" He pouts.
I sigh. "Sorry...I was...just thinking of our new house!" I lie smoothly.
His face lights up at my words. "Yeah, me too. We're so close, Tae. I can't believe we're actually homeowners now!" He squeals happily.
I met Park Jimin when I turned 8 at Saint Mary's orphanage. My father had been killed over a bad drug deal and my birth mother had been too addicted to keep me.
I was sent to the orphanage, young and terrified, but my roommate cheered me up immediately. Tiny 8 year old Park Jimin was certainly a sight to behold. He was over active and shy but once he got close to someone-namely being me-he clung for dear life.
After only one conversation, we were joined at the hip and deemed best friends for life. We grew up together and as soon as we could, we both got jobs to save up for our own place.
We wanted to stay together, of course, and after saving up for three years, we were finally able to afford a small two bedroom house just outside of the city. It's a definite fixer upper but so us. Cute and homey.
We just signed the paperwork today and decided to go out to celebrate since we both had the day off work. In order to afford living expenses, we both took up two part time jobs.
On every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we worked at a small convenience store several blocks from our new house and on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I did odd delivery work while Jimin snagged a nice receptionist job. Saturday's and Sunday's were our off days to relax.
"Thank you." He mumbles randomly. I look back at him. I'd gotten lost in thought again.
"For what?"
He flushed. "Being with me all these years. I don't think I would have made it this far without you, Taetae."
I laugh it off. "I'm pretty sure you would have been fine, Minie. You're kind of a force of nature, ya know?" I tease.
He grunts at my teasing and sips his chocolate shake. "Whatever. Let's go. I want to thrift shop things for the house!" He gushes and pulls me to my feet.
We spend the rest of the evening exploring all the small shops and end up with a faded wooden entertainment center and matching coffee table painted a bright red.
Jimin also picks out an extremely fair priced kitchen table set with matching chairs in a shockingly bright yellow. He begs and gives me puppy dog eyes until I agree to buy the monstrosity.
It's going to look like a damn rainbow threw up all over our house but it's worth it to see his smile and happiness. I can't deny him. He's too adorable.
We finish up shopping after buying a few other odd trinkets then grab some dinner. Once home, we set up our thrift finds then crawl into our sleeping bags since our beds won't be here until tomorrow.
"This is it, Tae. We're finally on our own. It feels amazing." He mutters, yawning.
I nod. "I know. It feels surreal." I acknowledge.
"I hate that we have to work in the morning. I wish we could just spend all day fixing up the place since our furniture is coming then." He groans.
I smirk. "We'll just do it when we get home."
He huffs. "But I'll be too tired!" He complains.
I close my eyes and smile. "We'll manage, Minie. Goodnight." I yawn.
"Goodnight, Taetae."

"So please tell me you'll come to my party this weekend!" My good friend and coworker, Hoseok, begs as I ring up several purchases.
I roll my eyes. "Maybe. I mean, we just moved into our new place. I don't know if it's a good idea right now." I sigh.
He pouts and flicks my nose making me scowl at him. "Come on! Yoongi will be there, too! He'll be pissed if you two don't come."
Jung Hoseok. I met him when I turned 16 while working a delivery job. He was so nice and quite honestly annoying in making himself my friend. I gave in because he wouldn't stop butting into my life and...I'll never admit it to anyone, especially Jimin, but he was also my first kiss.
I confided to him one night I was unsure of my sexuality and he just kissed me. Of course, this was before he met his boyfriend, Min Yoongi. After the kiss, we both agreed it was better to stay just friends and while I strayed more towards the straighter side of things, Hoseok found himself a boyfriend in his roommate, Yoongi.
I freaked a little after kissing a guy so I immediately found a few girls to date to take my mind off things I shouldn't be thinking about. Unfortunately my relationships never last long. No more than a month or two at a time.
But always girls. I'm afraid to look too deeply at my lack of connection to any of them, though. Jimin is as straight as they come despite how pretty he is. He's the most beautiful person I've ever met, male or female, but he gets extremely uncomfortable when someone brings the subject up.
I have no idea why the hell he's so insecure. He could easily have any girl he wants but his shyness gets in the way. I know how lucky I am to be the one he confides in. Clings to.
"What if I ask Jimin? If he says yes then will you go?" Hoseok threatens. I heave a loud sigh. We both know for a fact Jimin can never say no and will go even if he doesn't want to just to please the annoying couple.
"Fine! Leave him be. I'm serious." I raise my brows at his innocent face that's trying way too hard.
He hugs me. "It'll be so much fun! Games, alcohol, and all the beautiful girls you could dream of!" He gushes, rushing away presumably to call Yoongi and tell him the good news. Ugh. If they hadn't agreed to help us move then I'd be running for the hills far from the overly hyper ball of sunshine and the grouchy old man he claims to love.
God, I hate parties. Nothing good ever comes from getting drunk. I can just imagine all the shit to avoid. I glance up to see Jimin trying sweetly to avoid Hoseok as he stalks him down the aisles.
Where the fuck is the sunshine repellant when you need it?! It's too early for this shit.

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