Chapter 56

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Once the wedding had ended, it was now time for the wedding party. In reality, I didn't really want to go to the party, I just wanted to go home with Nicole and spend time with her, alone and in a quiet room. But Nicole, in the entire preparation for the wedding, had been most excited to go to the party, and because of this, we would both attend. The entire property we'd had the wedding on was a sort of beach cabin property, with over 10 small lodges/cabins, I didn't know what to call them, and with one central house that was a bit larger than the cabins, which was the owner's house. Beside this house, we had put up a large rectangular white tent, which was absolutely huge, at nearly 350 feet long, 100 feet wide, and coming to a point and standing at 50 feet tall.
And as everyone started filing inside, they all found seats among the 3 rows of tables we had, with enough chairs to fit the 75 people we had attending. Nicole, me, the bridesmaids, and groomsmen, all walked to the front of the tent, where a table had been set up for specifically us to sit at had been set up. Nicole and I sat in the middle, looking out at everyone as they trickled in and sat down at any available seat. Once everyone had done so, Nicole tapped her spoon on her glass, creating a high pitched dinging sound. Everyone turned to look at her.
"H-hello everyone.." she started out, seeming quite nervous. I rubbed her hand gently. "Thank you all for coming.. thank you all for your support with me and Daniel's journey. We appreciate you all. And hopefully this food shows it." She chuckled, as did everyone else. "Regardless... eat up!"
With this, everyone went to eat. Nicole and I let everyone eat first, and when everyone had dished up, I went to the serving table, grabbing one plate for myself and one for her. I put all of her favorite foods on there, as well as special deserts, bringing it over to her, she looked at me thankfully, starting to eat as I went back to feed myself. I got some meat, some veggies, and other things, before taking my place beside her again. We ate our food, and I watched as the sound people set up the music. We had a DJ, who was setting up the music and sound system, along with a small crew. I was excited for this.
"Is this working?" The DJ said through the mic, ringing clear through the tent. "Alright. Let's get this started. By request of the Groom, he has the first song chosen. Now... if the newly weds would please step onto the floor."
I took Nicole's hand, leading her around the table, and towards the place that had been cleared for a sort of dance floor. I held her close, with one hand on her hip and the other in her hand. The song then started on the speakers; a quick couple of chords, playing 2 times, before a person with a country voice started singing.
"What if I hurt you, what if I leave you, what if I find somebody else and I don't need you, what if this goes south, what if I mess you up, what if I break your heart in two then what, well I hear you girl, I feel you girl, but not so fast, before you make your mind up, I gotta ask... what if I was made for you and you were made for meee, what if this is it, what if it's meant to be, what if I ain't one of them fools just playing some game. What if I pull you close, what if I lean in, what if the stars light up and it's our last first kiss, one if one of these days I go and change your name.. what if I put all these what if's away.."
I danced with Nicole, both of us hardly keeping the beat, but it was like we knew what the other would do. We anticipated, adapted to the other, and danced together like a well oiled machine, like we had many months ago when the people had taken her and we fought along side each other. It was like magic. We were one unit, dancing together.
She'd obviously heard the song before, as she started singing along with the words. I did the same, matching her tone and singing along with her, which seemed to add a whole level to the feeling of the dance. These words felt so true to how we were.. she'd been hurt and didn't trust anyone, especially me when I tried to love her at first. But I worked to take the what if's away. The fears.. and now here we were. I had changed her name, she and I were together, forever. A tear brimmed my eye as I felt the immense passion towards her, and I couldn't stop the smiling I was doing, which probably looked like the grin of a fool. But Nicole understood. I knew she did with the little smile she gave me, leaning in a pecking my lips softly, she whispered in my ear.
"I love you, cutie." She said gently.
"I love you too, angel." I whispered back, just as softly.
Now this was a forever that I was excited for...

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