Chapter 11

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Nicole POV

I slammed the door behind me, which earned me looks of surprise from the other maids, who were all about ready to turn in for the night. These looks of surprise turned into disdain and intolerance, but I didn't care. Fuck them.
For the second time of the day, I went to the bed, at sat on it, pulling the covers over myself completely, hiding under it's think, warm embrace.
It would be a lie to say i didn't feel what he said. Like he might be the one. Like I could trust him. Maybe true love. But at the same time, I knew I couldn't trust anyone. They would just hurt me. Alleah wasn't like that, and neither was Yvette, but Daniel was just another man who wanted me for sex, and nothing else. He was a man of power, like Jacob. They weren't capable of love, especially in the life they lived. The life of the mafia.
I felt something hit my leg. It was soft, but heavy, like a pillow or something. I pulled the sheets off my head, peeking to see what had happened. Sure enough, it was a pillow. But the girl who seemingly through it. A tall, brunette, hands on hips, bitch faced girl. The sneer that played her lips, showed nothing but hate.
"You think you can just walk into here and have Daniel's heart?" She asked snobbishly.
I was truly baffled by this statement, cocking my head.
"I don't fucking want him. You can have him." I responded dismissively.
"You aren't making that decision, miss goodytwoshoes. He used to look at me like he looks at you. He loved my body. And now he's no longer paying attention to me... because of you. Flat, trashy looking... what could he possibly see in you.." she said, her glare intensifying.
"I agree-"
Yvonne walked into the room, looking at me first, with my almost tears eyes, to then at the brunette.
"What is going on here?" She asked the brunette simply.
"This girl is being a trouble maker, right girls?" She said, pointing at me accusingly.
All the girls nodding, either to really get me into trouble, or just to follow her lead out of fear. Maybe both.
Yvonne raised an eyebrow, staring her dead in the eyes. The brunette actually started to get a little squirmy.
"I don't believe you. Nicole I don't think would do something like that. But.., you, Clarissa, on the other hand, would do anything if you saw a threat of some sort. I know what you and Daniel did behind closed doors." Yvonne said angrily.
"B-but.." now she was really squirming.
"No buts. I will have Daniel kick you out if you continue to argue me. I don't care how much he wants that birch ass of yours, he will do it.i will make him. Now step down." She said, raising her voice. Clarissa seemed to want to argue, but she shut her mouth, and just stood there.
"Now go to your bed. And leave Nicole alone. That goes for all of you." She added. Clarissa walked away, giving me one last dirty look, before laying down on her bed, back turned to me. Though instead of her bed, she went to the door, walking past Yvette, and out.
"Yvette... thank you.." I said, looking at her.
"It's no problem, child. I heard it all from outside the door. She's just a needy girl. Don't let her get to you, you are better than her. By a lot."
"But.. I'm not." I said.
"Trust me, you are, honey child. 1000%." She said, coming over, and rubbing my head, like a mother would. I sighed heavily.
"Thank you.... so much." I said again.
"Not a problem... not a problem." She said, doing that, until I finally drifted off into sleep.

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